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UK Government Grants Emergency Loan to Celsa Steel

UK Government has given an emergency loan to Celsa Steel to allow the company to continue trading and secure more than 1,000 jobs. As part of the loan, which is expected to be repaid in full, the company must meet a series of legally binding conditions. These include commitments to protect jobs, on climate change and net zero targets, and restraints on executive pay and bonuses. The goverment said this will ensure public money is used to aid wider government policies to further benefit the UK.

Community Union General Secretary Roy Rickhuss said “This is the right approach from government and this agreement is welcome. We’ve said since the start of this crisis that we need our industry to survive the pandemic and then thrive in the future so it can be at the foundation of the recovery. This agreement with Celsa Steel is a vital part of ensuring that can happen and will help to provide some certainty and confidence at a challenging time. We hope this is just the start of steel companies securing the support from government that they need to get through this crisis. The loans are necessary but alone are not enough. More will need to be done by government to step up and stimulate demand and to make sure that works for UK steel producers. Celsa can play an important role in supplying steel for major infrastructure projects but it needs the right environment in which to compete and the right procurement decisions which keep the most value and jobs in the UK.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
JSW to Cut Imports from China to zero in 2 years

Indian steel giant JSW Group's cement managing director Parth Jindal tweeted on July 2 that JSW will cut down USD 400 million worth of imports from China to zero in the next two years. @ParthJindal11 tweeted “The unprovoked attack by the Chinese on Indian soil on our brave jawaans has been a huge wake up call and a clarion call for action - we @TheJSWGroup have a net import of $400mn from China annually and we pledge to bring this down to zero in the next 24 months #BoycottChina”

Mr Parth Jindal had recently retweeted Mr Sajjan Jindal’s June 25th tweet also “Hope Indian traders stop imports and exports to the countries which are not India’s friends. We all Indians have a duty to impact our non friendly countries economically, while our soldiers do their duty on the borders. nsitharamanoffc @PMOIndia.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Severstal to Undertake Heating Furnace Maintenance in August

Severstal will start maintenance works at one of the four heating furnaces at its mill 2000, which is capable of 6 million tonnes of hot rolled coil production per year. The company plans to tear the facility down and to construct a new one instead. The process is expected to take around one year.

Severstal for now expects the impact of the works not to be dramatic as it is possible to increase the efficiency of the other three furnaces almost without any loss.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
MMK Implements RPA Intellectual Robotisation Processes

Within its Industry 4.0 strategic initiative, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is actively expanding the scope of its application of Robotic Process Automation technology. RPA, or software robotics, is an innovative technology that has already shown excellent results at MMK Group. This technology makes it possible to transfer the performance of a number of routine tasks to RPA robots, which allows the Company to improve the efficiency of its business processes and increase employee productivity.

One example of successful RPA implementation is MMK's project to introduce a "smart" robot in the invoice payment process. This project was implemented by specialists from the RPA Competence and Innovation Centre of MMK-Informservice for use by MMK-Accounting Centre.

The robot in this project has a unique function: it can independently make a decision on whether to continue processing a document or to pass it on to a live individual, based on the results of its analysis of words and phrases contained in the text. The textual information being processed is presented in a free, unstructured form, so it is not possible to set strict rules for text verification.

The applied approach, based on text mining technology with subsequent "training" for the robot, allows the robot to carry out the task at the level of a human. Meanwhile, the number of erroneous decisions the robot makes decreases with each iteration. For now, the robot is used for processing incoming cash receipts and works with documents in the same way as a human would. The robot processes more than 200 documents per day, which significantly reduces the workload on employees responsible for this process.

For many years, MMK has been a leader in the implementation of IT technologies among metallurgical companies in Russia. The integration of software robotics and technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence), ML (machine learning) and NLP (natural language processing) allows MMK to use RPA software robots to solve increasingly complex tasks.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal heeft een slecht gevoel voor timing

In elf jaar tijd haalde ArcelorMittal zo’n 12,5 miljard dollar aan vers kapitaal op. De staalgigant kiest daarvoor steeds een moment waarop de koers van het aandeel laag staat. Voor aandeelhouders is dat steevast een extra tegenvaller.

Het aandeel ArcelorMittal verloor in de tweede week van mei in één dag opeens ruim 17 procent.

Beleggers reageerden geschokt door het nieuws dat het grootse staalbedrijf ter wereld naarstig op zoek was naar twee miljard dollar vers kapitaal.

Het was niet de eerste keer dat het met schulden beladen ArcelorMittal de kapitaalmarkt opging. In de laatste elf jaar werd viermaal nieuw risicodragend kapitaal opgehaald voor in totaal 12,5 miljard dollar (aandelen en convertibles). Dat is ongeveer evenveel als de totale beurswaarde van ArcelorMittal op dit moment.

Een constante daarbij is de uiterst ongelukkige timing. Steeds als het aandeel op een dieptepunt staat door economische turbulentie is het raak. Aandelen uitgeven op lage koersen is ongunstig voor aandeelhouders omdat hun belang in de onderneming stevig verwatert.

De eerste keer dat ArcelorMittal een stevig bedrag uit de markt haalde – vier miljard dollar – was ten tijde van het dieptepunt van de kredietcrisis in mei 2009. Daarna volgden kapitaalinjecties op het hoogtepunt van de eurocrisis begin januari 2013 (3,5 miljard dollar) en tijdens de staalcrisis van 2016 die ontstond door vraaguitval uit China (3 miljard dollar).

ArcelorMittal is voor een aanmerkelijk deel zelf verantwoordelijk voor deze ongelukkige timing. Steeds is het concern bezig de eigen schulden af te bouwen tot het doel van 7 miljard (netto­schuld). Maar op het moment dat dit niveau in beeld komt, pakt de onderneming uit met grote overnames.

Gevolg is dat ArcelorMittal er sinds 2009 in geen enkel jaar in is geslaagd ook maar een dollar economische winst te boeken. Het rendement op geïnvesteerd kapitaal lag structureel onder de 9 procent.

Dat ArcelorMittal regelmatig extra geld nodig heeft, is ook te relateren aan de markt waarin het beweegt.

De staalmarkt beleeft gruwelijke tijden. De jarenlange daling van de staalprijs kreeg voor ArcelorMittal een extra negatieve uitkomst na de tariefverhogingen van president Trump op goedkoop Chinees staal. Ineens kwam een nog groter deel van de Chinese productie naar Europa, de belangrijkste markt voor ArcelorMittal. In Europa heeft de onderneming nog steeds veel fabrieken, mede dankzij de fusie tussen Arcelor en Mittal in 2006, een moment waarop de staalmarkt op een hoogtepunt stond.

De hoge kostenbasis van de Europese activiteiten helpt niet om efficiënt te opereren, en juist dat is van levensbelang in de staalsector.

Vooral het dossier Italië is een nachtmerrie. ArcelorMittal kocht daar in 2018 de Ilva-fabriek van de Italiaanse staat. Nu probeert de onderneming deze grootste staalfabriek van Europa levens­vatbaar en duurzamer te maken.

De overheid heeft toegezegd mee te willen investeren, maar het blijft onduidelijk hoe groot de kostenpost voor ArcelorMittal precies gaat worden.

Eerder dreigde ArcelorMittal de Ilva-fabriek stil te leggen omdat het bedrijf door een wetswijziging opeens aansprakelijk kon worden gesteld voor milieuschandalen uit het verleden.

“We hadden nooit gedacht dat iets dergelijks kon gebeuren in een ontwikkeld Europees land”, merkte Lakshmi Mittal op bij de jaarcijferpresentatie van 6 februari dit jaar.

Vragen te over
Het mag duidelijk zijn dat ArcelorMittal te kampen heeft met een aantal zeer lastige externe factoren. Maar alle problemen hierop afschuiven voert te ver. Neem de kolossale schulden van het staalbedrijf. Beleggers dringen al jaren aan op schuldverlaging en ArcelorMittal benadrukt dan dat voor bijna 25 miljard aan schulden is afgelost.

Maar elke keer als het (netto)schulddoel van 7 miljard in zicht is, lijkt er een drang te ontstaan om op overnamepad te gaan. En zo verspijkerde de staalreus miljarden aan grote overnames om vervolgens bij tegenwind nieuw kapitaal aan aandeelhouders te vragen.

ArcelorMittal wil zelf weinig weten van gebrekkige timing. Op vragen van de VEB in aanloop naar de jaarlijkse aandeelhoudersvergadering liet het concern weten juist “counter-cyclisch” te opereren. De vier momenten dat de onderneming in de laatste jaren groot geld ophaalde, worden door de onderneming “gepaste acties” genoemd om de balans te versterken. Op vragen over mogelijke waardevernietiging wordt niet ingegaan.

De kapitaalsverhoging van twee miljard in mei was volgens het staalconcern het sluitstuk van een reeks acties die de impact van de coronapandemie op de onderneming tot een minimum moet beperken. Ook zou het helpen om de schulden verder richting de beoogde zeven miljard dollar te krijgen.

De VEB vroeg ook om helderheid over de impact van de huidige crisis op de waarde van de staalfabrieken, die voor 36 miljard dollar op de balans van ArcelorMittal staan. Sinds maart is de bezetting van de fabrieken flink teruggevallen en dat zou kunnen resulteren in forse afboekingen.

Vooralsnog is daarvan geen sprake, zo laat ArcelorMittal in een reactie weten. Daarbij wordt verwezen naar de publicatie van de eerste kwartaalcijfers. Arcelormittal heeft de eigen bezittingen aan het einde van het eerste kwartaal opnieuw gewaardeerd en dat heeft niet geleid tot afboekingen.

Opvallend is dat ArcelorMittal bij de bepaling van die waardes uitsluitend rekening heeft gehouden met somberdere uitgangspunten in het tweede en derde kwartaal en dus impliciet rekening houdt met snel en fors herstel. Tegelijkertijd laat Arcelor-topman Lakshmi Mittal in hetzelfde bericht weten dat er “te veel onzekerheden zijn om accurate voorspellingen te doen voor de rest van het jaar”. Eind juli zal blijken of ArcelorMittal inderdaad zo waardevast is als de onderneming zelf beweert. Dan verschijnen de halfjaarcijfers waarin de corona-impact completer zal zijn verwerkt. Het moet de proef op de som zijn voor het optimisme bij de bedrijfsleiding van ’s werelds grootste staalconcern.
AJN Steelstock goes solar

UK’s leading steel stockholders AJN Steelstock with sites in Newmarket in Suffolk and Henstridge in Somerset has invested in solar energy in a bid to cut its carbon footprint and energy consumption. Working in partnership with West Suffolk Council, AJN Steelstock has installed 1,386 individual solar panels covering 3,863 square meters on its steel processing warehouses at its Kentford site in Suffolk.

Installation of similar solar panels is due to begin at the company’s Henstridge site, which will further increase its CO2 savings.

AJN Steelstock, which supplies high-grade steel for construction projects across the United Kingdom, has successfully cut its reliance on traditional energy consumption by 55 per cent as a result of its solar investment. As well as reducing its carbon footprint, AJN’s commitment to a greener, more sustainable future, also means it will prevent over 60 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere in the first year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tata Steel Seals Deal with Union in Netherlands to End Industrial Action

Tata Steel has reached an agreement with trade union FNV Metaal over its Dutch assets, bringing an end to 25 days of industrial action. The previously announced cut of a thousand full time positions at Tata Steel IJmuiden has been scrapped. The company promised that there will be no forced layoffs at the IJmuien branch until 2026 in an agreement reached with trade union FNV

Tata Steel previously announced a reorganization that would result in thousands of layoffs, including a thousand full time jobs being cut in IJmuiden. This caused unrest at the steel company, and when the Dutch CEO of Tata Steel Nederland resigned in mid-May, unrest turned into weeks of protests.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
SAIL RSP SMS 2 Sets a New Record

Steel Authority of India Limited’s Rourkela Steel Plant has set a national record by clocking 48 blows in a single day in a single converter of Steel Melting Shop-2 on 2nd July. The feat was possible because of perfect coordination and tremendous contribution by different departments. Hot Metal of requisite quality and quantity was supplied by the Blast Furnaces, while departments like Production Planning and Coordination, Calcining Plant-2, Oxygen Plant, Material Recovery Department, Research and Control Lab, Refractory Engineering Services, Instrumentation and Automation and several other service departments worked in tandem and provided timely inputs in a seamless manner.

On the same day the Steel Plant set another benchmark. Its Hot Metal Torpedo Ladle Number-5 surpassed its previous record of 2331 lining life. Notably, the Torpedo Ladle is still in service and ready to scale new peaks of excellence.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
JSW Steel Reports 2.96 Million Tonnes Crude Steel Production in Apr-Jun Quarter

JSW Steel achieved crude steel production of 2.96 million tons in Q1 of FY 2020-21. JSW Steel said “The average capacity utilisation dropped to 76% in June 2020, primarily due to a fall in production at Vijayanagar Works. At Vijayanagar Works, certain employees tested Covid-19 positive, started with an employee who had travelled far away from plant premises on personal work and got infected. This has led to not only hospitalisation of these employees, and an active contact tracing and quarantining of their primary and secondary contacts, but also imposition of restrictions by the local administration on the entry and exit of employees at the plant location. The Company responded promptly and responsibly to control the spread of Covid-19 infection among our workforce and local communities by implementing and intensifying comprehensive prevention and mitigation measures, by leveraging on our existing medical infrastructure and community outreach programme. The Company identified the workforce including those who resided outside township premises critical for operation of the plant and made arrangements to accommodate all of them within the townships premises, thus, completely restricting the movement of personnel into and out of factory premises. The Company has been scrupulously following the guidelines, protocols and instructions issued by the local administration from time to time. It is also heartening to see that a majority of such infected employees have also recovered since. The operations are now stabilising with reduced employee strength.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
POSCO Again Delays Resumption of Blast Furnace

Yonhap reported that South Korean steelmaker POSCO has again pushed back the resumption date of its third blast furnace due to the global recession sparked by the coronavirus pandemic. POSCO had planned to resume the operation of the third blast furnace in Gwangyang in late May following its repair and maintenance work, but it delayed the resumption date to the end of June. The company, however, said no decision has been set yet on when it will resume the operation of the third blast furnace in Gwangyang, about 420 kilometers southwest of Seoul.

The move came as demand from automakers, construction companies and shipbuilders declined due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

POSCO has five blast furnaces in Gwangyang and four blast furnaces in Pohang, about 375 kilometers southeast of Seoul. The other eight blast furnaces are up and running.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
SEAISI Update on ASEAN Steel Consumption in 2019

According to Southeast Asia Iron and Steel Institute secretary general Yeoh Wee Jin flat steel consumption posted steady growth in ASEAN countries in 2019 with all major indicators of production, imports and exports growing. At the same time, demand for longs in the market was lower and regional mills were redirecting more volumes to exports. Flat steel consumption in the ASEAN-6 countries Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore added 3.2 percent year on year to 41.823 million tonnes in 2019. Imports increased by 3.7 percent or by around 1.4 million tonnes year on year to 38.733 million tonnes.

In the longs segment, demand in ASEAN fell by 0.8 percent year on year to 39.181 million tonnes in 2019, leading to a drop of 5.4 percent in long steel imports. But at the same time, production of longs improved by 6.2 percent year on year to 32.355 million tonnes. The decline in demand was mainly due to a slowdown in construction in major countries, while higher export volumes supported production. ASEAN producers exported 5.673 million tonnes of longs in 2019, up by 35.2 percent from 2018. A major share of sales (41 percent) was within the region, but 12 percent of all exports went to Myanmar, with 18 percent going to China.

Total steel consumption in the region increased by 1.2 percent year to 81 million tonnes in 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Metalloinvest & Zagorsk Pipe Plant completed negotiations on joint development of Ural Steel

Metalloinvest and Zagorsk Pipe Plant have ended discussions on a strategic partnership for the development of Ural Steel and on ZTZ's acquisition of an equity stake in the enterprise. Following an in-depth study and analysis of market conditions, the parties decided to continue independent development of their assets. Metalloinvest reaffirmed its commitment to its long-term partnership with ZTZ in steel supply. Ural Steel has been part of Metalloinvest since 2006. Over the past 10 years, the total investment into the enterprise’s development has exceeded 25 bn roubles. Significant progress has been made in developing and modernising production facilities to minimise the environmental impact of the production. The decommissioning of outdated open-hearth production and equipment modernisation have enabled a reduction in emissions by more than a third since 2006. .

Since 2017, Metalloinvest has been implementing a comprehensive development programme at Ural Steel. In 2019, modernisation of the electric arc furnaces was completed following the implementation of Flexible Modular Furnace technology. Last year the enterprise introduced a single integrated financial and business management system using SAP S/4 HANA. .

Currently, blast furnace modernisation, construction of a new air separation facility, modernisation of the thermal power plant and foundry development are in progress.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Calstrip Industries Implements Stratix ERP in Arkansas Facility

US steel service-center Calstrip Industries has implemented the metal service center ERP software STRATIX at their new location in Blytheville in Arkansas. The implementation of STRATIX included all areas of the business, notably: online production planning, cut-to-length, slitting, shop floor receipt of goods, shop-floor production recording and packaging with bar code scanning, toll processing, and online shipment planning. They also benefit from the unique product coding in STRATIX that eliminates the use of traditional, cumbersome part numbers.

For sales, Calstrip Industries benefits from the sales order entry functions where steel coil or sheet products can be entered along with the production specifications such as the gauge tolerance, width and/or length tolerance, coil min/max coil information, and packaging.

STRATIX enables Calstrip Industries to use less paper through the use of online production planning. From the production planning screen, multiple order items can be highlighted and grouped together to create a single slitting job. The planner can then specify the arbor layout, OD breaks, as well as additional slitting specific functions such as run full or partial, slit and re-slit, and trim.

At Calstrip Arkansas, the processing equipment from Braner USA, will be directly linked to STRATIX. Customer work orders will be uploaded from STRATIX directly to the Braner slitting and sheeting equipment for scheduling and set up. Dimensional and quality inspections will be entered automatically using Bluetooth connections between measuring devices and the machines, and verifications to customer specifications will be performed automatically to ensure the highest quality for customers. Automated packaging from Braner will round out the new plants capabilities, making it one of the most modern metal service centers in the industry.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
North American Steel Industry Celebrates USMCA

North American steel industry last week celebrated the entry into force of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, a critical milestone for the North American steel sector, its workers, and its supply chains. The USMCA establishes a strong foundation for mutually beneficial trade in North America. The USMCA will strengthen the competitiveness of all three trading partners while enhancing the development of North America’s globally competitive advanced manufacturing sector, particularly for North American steel producers.

The USMCA benefits North American steelmakers and the entire sector by further strengthening our existing integrated supply chains in the region and by improving on the terms of the original North American Free Trade Agreement. This is accomplished through the coming into force of strengthened rules of origin and enhanced regional value content requirements.

The Agreement also includes important provisions to promote increased cooperation, transparency and information sharing between the three North American governments to address steel circumvention and evasion of trade remedy orders. This increased cooperation strengthens our industry’s competitiveness in the face of the continuing challenges to the industry from global steel excess capacity and weakening demand, especially as the industry works to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Naveena Group to Set Up Rebar Mill at Port Qasim in Karachi

Naveena Group, a conglomerate dealing in textile exports, spinning, wind power and other business sectors, on Sunday announced the launch of Naveena Steel, its green field steel plant located at Port Qasim in Karachi. The group will be introducing its Italian plant with Pakistan’s first induction heating system using the revolutionary direct rolling technology to consistently produce international standard pure steel rebars for all types of construction.

It said “Naveena Steel Mills (Private) Limited is being developed with a view that rapid urbanisation and industrialisation resulting from China-Pakistan Economic Corridor related infrastructure projects will increase the demand for steel in the country. The state-of-the-art metallurgical processes would enable NSMPL to produce better quality steel rebars with improved yield that would give them a competitive edge over the existing setups.”

Naveena Group plans to benefit from the plant’s proximity with the port which would result in cost-effective import of scrap steel, the raw material for the product.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tata Steel Chief Mr TV Narendran Highlghts Potential of Domestic Steel Market in India

Tata Steel’s CEO and Managing Director Mr TV Narendran, while speaking at a webinar series ‘India After COVID-19’ organised by IIM Indore and Free Press Journal, highlighted the potential of the domestic steel market in India. He said “Today, India is a 100-million-tonnes producer and consumer of steel. However, consumption is going to drop this year due to COVID-19. The potential for India is huge. The Indian government estimates steel consumption and production in India to be around 300 million tonnes in the next 10-15 years. This is possible if the government spends on infrastructure as per its plans. This is mainly because infrastructure is a steel-intensive industry. As per the government’s plan, there will be a lot of infrastructure spend and the consumption of steel will grow by 10 times in the next 10-15 years. So, that is where the potential of this industry lies.”

He also said “About three-four years back, China was dumping steel in India but today it is importing steel from India. The Indian steel industry is making money at those prices. Indian steel producers, not just Tata Steel, but JSW and others are seen as low-cost producers of steel in the world. Thus, most of the steel exported out of India has gone to China over the last three months. China's recovery rate post-COVID-19 has been much sharper than we had anticipated.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Klöckner & Co Appoints Guido Kerkhoff to the Management Board

The Supervisory Board of Klöckner & Co SE has appointed Mr Guido Kerkhoff to the Management Board, effective as of September 1, 2020. Mr Guido Kerkhoff shall succeed Mr Gisbert Rühl as Chairman of the Management Board effective as of the close of the Annual General Meeting in May 2021. Mr Gisbert Rühl has been a member of the Management Board since 2006 and was appointed Chairman of the Management Board in 2009. Until he takes over the position of Chairman of the Management Board, Mr Guido Kerkhoff will serve as Vice Chairman of the Management Board. In connection with the planned separation of the digital platforms segment, Gisbert Rühl will take over the position of Chairman of the respective Supervisory Board, and thus will remain connected with the company.

The decision at this point in time will enable a seamless transition of management responsibilities in close coordination with the current Chairman of the Management Board. With Mr Guido Kerkhoff, the Supervisory Board has won a proven industry expert who is perfectly qualified to lead the company supported by its digitalization strategy into the next phase. Mr Guido Kerkhoff most recently was Chairman of the Management Board of thyssenkrupp AG.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Mr Sanjeev Gupta Renews Interest in Port Talbot Steelworks

Business Live reported that steel entrepreneur Mr Sanjeev Gupta said he would look to acquire Port Talbot steelworks if the business was put up for sale. In an interview with Moneycontrol, steel magnate Mr Gupta, who is executive chairman of Liberty Steel Group, said he would consider an acquisition if the Port Talbot steelworks was brought to market.

It comes as Indian-owned Tata Steel UK continues discussions over a bespoke loan, understood to be in the region of GBP 500 million, with the UK Treasury to support its loss-making operation in the UK, where it employs 7,000 in Wales and 4,000 at its primary steelmaking plant in Port Talbot.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
AMNS India appoints Mr Bibek Chattopadhyay as Head of Communications

E4M reported that ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India has appointed Mr Bibek Chattopadhyay as Head of Communications. He will be heading the corporate communication department of the firm along with managing both internal and external communications. Prior to this, Chattopadhyay had a seven-year-long stint at Ambuja Cements Ltd as Head of Corporate Communications. He was also responsible for South Asian Region for Holcim Limited.

Mr Chattopadhyay has been in the Communication profession for more than 25 years. He has lead Corporate Communications Department of leading corporate houses for the past 12 years. With specific strength in designing 360-degree communication Strategies comprising Media Relations, Corporate Communication, Internal Communications, Corporate Advertisement, Branding, and Social Media operations, he has led several campaigns on sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Affairs.


Source : Strategic Research Institute
Edible Oil Makers Oppose Ban of Re-Use of Tin Containers

Business Line reported that following the Indian government’s advisory to states banning re-use of tin and plastic containers for edible oil sale, trade body Saurashtra Oil Mills Association has raised an objection, terming the Ministry of Consumer Affairs’ diktat impractical, pushing up costs and favouring the tinplate makers. In a letter to Nitin Patel, Deputy Chief Minister – Gujarat, Sameer Shah, President, SOMA, said, “This is an impractical decision. This will push up the cost of new tin containers due to sudden spurt in demand against its supply as there are only three-four tinplate manufacturers in the country.”

Shah also alleged that the decision by the Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs appeared to be lacking logic and seems to have been taken under the influence of the tinplate makers’ lobby in their interest. Shah also stated that the rule existed for more than three decades, but was never implemented because of its impracticality.

In the letter dated July 6, Shah explained that usually the consumer packs of premium edible oils such as groundnut oil, mustard oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, among others, were available only in new containers. He wrote “Only the bulk consumers of cottonseed oil, palmolein re-use the containers. But these containers are made with special coating under specific guidelines, hence there are negligible chances of hazardous materials coming in contact with the oils. Implementation of the rule will escalate the cost of existing tin containers from INR 70 per unit to INR 100 due to probable shortage.”

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, has stated that oil crushing units were required to use fresh tinplate containers for edible oil packaging and not to re-use tin or plastic containers. he Department of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, had issued an advisory on July 2, 2020 asking all States to ensure strict compliance with Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, 2011, wherein the re-use of tin and plastic containers for edible oils and fats is restricted.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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