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US Court Confirms Precision Castparts EUR 643 Million Award against German Pipemaker Schulz Holding

Reuters reported that US District Judge Lewis Liman in Manhattan confirmed a 643 million euro award in favor of Warren Buffet ’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc unit Precision Cast parts that claimed it was fraudulently induced to buy German pipe maker Schulz Holding GmbH that had inflated sales to look profitable.

Precision Cast parts accused Schulz of using fake invoices and backdated orders to inflate revenue and profit, when the Krefeld, Germany-based company had actually been teetering near bankruptcy. It also said the acquired businesses were worth no more than 157 million euros.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese Steel Exports & Imports in H1 of 2020

Acording to latest data of General Administration of Customs, China’s steel exports totalled 3.7 million tonnes in June 2020, recording decline by nearly 16% over the previous month and by over 30% from the same month a year before and also the lowest level in eight years. The cumulative exports by the country during the initial six-month period of the year were 34.4 million tonnes, down by 16.5% when compared with January-June ’19.

On the other hand, the steel imports during the month touched a 10-year high. The steel imports topped 1.9 million tonnes in June 2020, higher by approximately 47% from the previous month and by almost 100% from the previous year. The H1 steel imports totalled 5.8 million tonnes, up by nearly 26% from January to June in 2019. The recovery in domestic steel demand after coronavirus crisis led to increased imports.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
JSW Steel USA Sends WARN Notices to Workers at Mingo Junction Plant

JSW Steel USA has sent layoff notices to 160 workers at its Mingo Junction plant as the company plans a temporary closure due to the economic impact from the coronavirus pandemic. The Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notice was sent to announce the temporary cessation of production at the facility due to unforeseeable business circumstances during the COVID-19 crisis. The company blames business circumstances facing the steel industry that were not reasonably foreseeable for the lack of advance notice on the layoffs. The first set of layoffs will start on July 17 and will conclude around July 31, 2020. The second set of layoffs will begin on or about August 1 and will conclude on or about August 15, 2020.

The company told the employees it hoped the layoffs are temporary and would last less than six months.

It is not known how many people work at the plant, or if the WARN notice to the 160 employees is its entire workforce.

In December 2018, company officials said they planned to employ 1,000 people at the Mingo Junction plant, which JSW Steel USA Ohio had recently reopened. Company officials could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tandem Cold Rollling Mill Restarts at Severstal Cherepovets Work

The first strip was successfully rolled on the tandem cold mill TCM 2100 at PAO Severstal in Cherepovets, after the successful mill modernization performed by SMS group. After SMS group had comprehensively modernized the entry area in 2016, including the rolling stands and the automation system Phase 1, the recent measures concentrated on the exit area and the stand drives. For these measures, two project phases were defined. Phase 2 included the supply of a tension reel including drive motor, replacement of the Ward-Leonard converter with an AC converter featuring active energy recovery, an offline strip inspection station of the Rotary Inspect type and two coil cars. The new installations also required the hydraulic equipment to be adopted in the form of new hydraulic valve stands for the coil cars and the inspection station. Also the X-Pact automation system was expanded according to the new equipment layout. Decentralized I/O systems were used to enable fast modification of the equipment.

Project phase 3 was initiated and carried out in parallel to phase 2. The main drive motors of mill stands 2 to 4 of the tandem mill including the converters were completely renewed. In addition to the main drive motors, the mechanical drives of the mill stands, including the spur gear-pinion gear units, motor couplings and drive spindles, were also replaced. The scope of supply also included a new, centralized oil circulation lubrication system. The power electrics was upgraded to the state of the art. As a result of the modernization, the rolling speeds and strip tensions have been increased. Maintenance costs are significantly reduced thanks to the new drive equipment. The X-Pact® master control system, including the HMI (Human Machine Interface), was also adapted to the new mill layout.

In order to minimize the effect on the ongoing production at PAO Severstal, SMS group combined the dates for the installation activities of both phases within in one 42-day shutdown. The run-up phase after completion of the measures took only two days. After the successful commissioning, PAO Severstal now has a “completely renewed” and state-of-the-art tandem mill enabling full exploitation of the maximum rollable strip width of 1,850 millimeters. In addition, thanks to the revamp, PAO Severstal is now able to react flexibly to all market requirements.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Metinvest Trametal Secures Long-Term CAPEX Financing

Metinvest announced that Metinvest Trametal, an Italian re-roller of the Group, has signed its first facility with Italy’s Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA in the amount of EUR 15 million. The six-year term loan facility, with a two-year grace period, is being issued under an Italian government programme guaranteed by SACE SpA, the state-owned export credit agency, under the Garanzia Italia initiative. he proceeds will be used to implement the CAPEX programme at Metinvest Trametal, including the trimmer edge project. This is the debut term loan for Metinvest Trametal’s business development since the Group acquired the asset in 2008.

Metinvest Trametal is located in San Giorgio di Nogaro, in Northeastern Italy. Its quarto reversing rolling mill has an annual production capacity of 600 thousand tonnes of high-quality, hot-rolled plates for use in shipbuilding, pipe manufacturing and for other industrial purposes, primarily using slabs produced at the Group’s steelmakers in Ukraine. Metinvest Trametal’s headcount is around 300 employees.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Severstal Using Machine Learning to increase CherMK’s Energy Efficiency

The machine learning model for automatic control of air compressors was implemented by Severstal Digital specialists together with specialists from the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant. The model works in the gas-oxygen shop CherMK. The main task of compressor equipment is to compress air and supply it under pressure. Compressed air is mainly used to supply air separation units to produce oxygen, nitrogen, argon. Variable consumption of compressed air by various units leads to a constant change in compressor operating modes. Previously, the decision to put or put the compressor into operation at one time or another, as well as to reduce or increase the load, was made by the operator based on his experience. The process of redistributing the load affects the total energy consumption, so it depends on the human factor and may not be optimal.

The task of the machine learning model is to redistribute the performance of each compressor so that the amount of air does not change, and the total energy consumption decreases. The model takes into account data on air volume and electricity consumption, and also makes a recommendation on the optimal distribution of load units.

In addition, the model allows you to dynamically set technological limitations, for example, among which compressors to distribute power consumption or which consumption ranges are acceptable for each compressor.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ambica Steels Deploys Automatic Ultrasonic Testing Line

As a significant step in taking its quality assurance to higher levels, Ambica Steels Limited has recently inducted state-of-the-art fully automatic Ultrasonic Testing Line from Bluestar Engineering and Electronics. The machine can cover Ambica's complete range of bar sizes i.e, 16 to 105 mm and bar lengths of 3 to 7 meters. The setup is suitable to test pure stainless steel or alloy steel material. The sensitivity of the ultrasonic testing is 0.7 mm FBH for bar diameter up to 30 mm and 1.2 mm Flat Bottom Hole for bar diameters of 30 mm to 105 mm. Similarly, it is 0.8 mm x 15 mm for the Side Drilled Hole method making it very high precision. Along with being high precision, the machine is also very quick. The cycle time for inspection of a complete bar of length 7 meters, by both FBH and SDH methods is less than 300 seconds.

The importance of this new line is very high for Ambica as this can also be upgraded to include Eddy Current testing within the same setup in the future.

Ultrasonic testing is one of the most necessary and important testing facilities required for any semi-finished or finished product manufacturer. Through ultrasonic testing, one can evaluate various properties of a material, component, or any system without damaging it, hence it being labeled as non-destructive testing.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Feralloy Corp Plans Steel Service Center at Ghent Kentucky Plant of Nucor

Chicago-based steel processing company Feralloy Corp plans to locate a USD 17.5 million facility on Nucor Steel Gallatin’s campus near Ghent in Kentucky. By leasing a 60,000-square-foot facility at Nucor’s steel mill in Gallatin, Feralloy will receive steel coils directly from the mill, then cut and level them into high-quality sheets per customer spec. The new facility will enable Feralloy to better serve customers in the Ohio Valley and Eastern US. Operations are scheduled to begin in October of this year with one shift of 15 employees, expanding to additional shifts soon after.

Feralloy dates back to 1954 and has become a major steel service center in North America with 13 locations in the US and Mexico, serving a range of customers including small, family owned manufacturers and distributors as well as large original equipment manufacturers. Feralloy is a wholly owned subsidiary of Los Angeles-based Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Rio Tinto levert meer ijzererts

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Rio Tinto heeft in het kwartaal dat eind juni afliep, meer ijzererts afgeleverd, waarmee het profiteerde van de hoge prijzen voor de grondstof voor staal, maar de productiecijfers van andere belangrijke grondstoffen lieten een gemengd beeld zien. Dit bleek vannacht uit de cijfers van de Brits-Australische mijnbouwgroep.

Rio Tinto leverde 86,7 miljoen ton ijzererts af in het afgelopen kwartaal, hetgeen een stijging van 1 procent betekende. Over het afgelopen halfjaar werd er 3 procent meer verscheept, ondanks de schade die de Tropische Cycloon Damien in februari aanrichtte aan de infrastructuur van het bedrijf.

Rio Tinto verwacht nog steeds jaarlijks 324 miljoen tot 334 miljoen ton aan ijzererts te kunnen leveren.

Het bedrijf verwacht dit jaar circa 6 miljard dollar te investeren, waar eerder nog werd gemikt op 5 miljard tot 6 miljard dollar.

Rio Tinto profiteerde naar eigen zeggen sinds het eerste kwartaal van gunstige wisselkoerseffecten ten opzichte van de Amerikaanse dollar. Bovendien neemt de impact van de coronacrisis af.

Rio Tinto wil de investeringen langzaam weer opschroeven tot jaarlijks 7 miljard dollar vanaf volgend jaar. Eerder mikte het bedrijf op 6,5 miljard dollar per jaar. Dit heeft volgens Rio Tinto te maken met de fasering van investeringen in 2020, als gevolg van de coronamaatregelen.

Verder meldde de mijnbouwgroep dat de productie van bauxiet in het afgelopen kwartaal steeg met 9 procent, maar dat de koperproductie met 3 procent terugliep en ook de aluminiumproductie met 2 procent daalde.

Analisten van RBC merkten op dat de kans dat er een speciaal dividend zal worden uitgekeerd na de halfjaarcijfers uiterst klein is.

Door: ABM Financial News.
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Explosion Reorted at ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor BF

ArcelorMittal USA had an explosion at its Burns Harbor plant in Indianal on July 16. According to media reports, the explosion was understood to be at the mill's D blast furnace which has a rated annual capacity of 2.48 million tonnes. A video posted to social media showed that the explosion at Blast Furnace D showered the mill with shrapnel from big chunks of burning hot white refractory. Photos of the aftermath show fire crews working to extinguish the blaze as well as twisted metal damaged by the blast and rubble covering the ground nearby

Media reports quoted ArcelorMittal spokesman confirming the incident which was caused by a stove dome failure and the furnace was safely taken offline. He said “There were no injuries and the cause of the event remains under investigation. It is creating a timeline for repairs and the company does not anticipate any impact on our ability to meet customer demand."

In late April the steelmaker took down the mill's only other blast furnace for maintenance but it was understood to still be down given depressed market conditions as a result of coronavirus-related demand disruptions.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EUROFER Welcomes EU’s Long-Term Budget & Recovery Plan - Next Generation EU

A Special European Council is taking place in Brussels on 17-18 July to discuss the EU’s long-term budget and Recovery Plan/Next Generation EU. The European Steel Association welcomes the Recovery Plan but calls on leaders to take additional, immediate measures to ensure a quick and sustainable economic resurgence. EUROFER Director General Mr Axel Eggert said “The Recovery Plan proposal focuses on investment in digitisation and the green transition from 2021 to 2024. However, policymakers should focus the Recovery Plan on investment in sectors most affected by the pandemic, that are exposed to a high risk of carbon leakage, and that have the ambition to significantly reduce their CO2 emissions by 2030. We are asking for clear support from the European Council for an initiative on low carbon emission industry. Backing should be given independently of the location of the respective sites in Europe, to avoid competitive distortions. One way to do this is to allow other EU and national funds to supplement the Recovery Plan.”

He said “You do not wait to extinguish a fire until the house has burned down – and the European economy cannot wait until 2021 to start rebuilding either. EU leaders must therefore consider additional, short-term, emergency measures for strongly impacted sectors, such as steel and its value chains. These should comprise, inter alia, immediate measures against dumping or sudden surges of steel imports, incentives to stimulate demand in the downstream value chain, and a force majeure clause for the EU Emissions Trading System to ensure that the level of free allocation post-2020 is not negatively impacted by the indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Mr Eggert concluded “It is absolutely contrary to the interest of Europe if imports get de facto preference instead of a recovery driven by domestic steel production. This is already happening now as a result of existing global excess steel capacity meeting the porous EU steel safeguard – which allows imports to enter the EU market at pre-crisis levels. If the EU does not find a solution to preserve its industry using the means immediately at its disposal, it will not be able to lead the green transition in the future.”

Steel demand cratered during the crisis, falling by up to 50% given the sharp falls in activity in steel-using sectors, such as automotive, construction and mechanical engineering. 40% of the steel workforce was either temporarily laid off or had their working hours reduced. Production is still down by 25%, with orders stunted by nearly 35% since mid-March compared to the same period in 2019. At the same time, other global producers have not rested, and the EU steel safeguard is unlikely to ward off the threat of import surges once EU demand returns.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chhattisgarh, Odisha & WB Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association Seek 30% Duty on Iron Ore Pellets Export

Financial Express reported that Chhattisgarh Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association has written to Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi “Steel is the key for infrastructure development and government intends to spend Rs 100 lakh crore for development of world-class infrastructure. If the raw material prices for making of steel comes down, the cost of producing and eventually, the sale price of steel will also be competitive. We request you to kindly consider our proposal for levy of 30% export duty on iron ore pellets and ban all exports above 63% Fe to safeguard the domestic steel producers especially the secondary steel producers having no captive iron ore mine.”

Also batting for introduction of export duty on pellets, Orissa Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association, in a separate letter to the Prime Minister, has said, “Pellets are allowed to be exported freely without any export duty. To improve availability for domestic sponge iron makers, export of pellets is to be restricted.”

West Bengal Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association, in yet another letter to the Prime Minister, said, “Out of the total saleable iron ore pellets (after captive consumption) available in the market, more than 60% of it is being exported out of the country at zero duty. Hardly any beneficiation is being done and more than 90% iron ore fines of high grade are directly being used for pellet making and exporting the same is actually against the vision of making 300 million tonnes steel by 2030.”

India exported 12.6 million tonne pellets in 2019-20, up from 9.3 million tonne in 2018-19.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Latin American Industry Facing Challenge of Low Consumption

Latin American steel association Alacero said that Latin America is facing the worst crisis in its modern history and is in a moment of transition, showing signs of economic reactivation, but at the same time of difficulty in controlling the pandemic. The impact of the Covid-19 crisis is strongly felt in steel consumption, which decreased 30% in April compared to the same month last year and 11% year to date. The biggest drop occurred in Argentina, of 83% compared to April 2019. However, one of the indicators of the recovery is the production of raw steel in May, which, although it registered a reduction of 29% in comparison with May of last year, rose 8% in comparison with April of this year, basically thanks to Brazil. In May, raw steel production fell by 17% in the year to date. By comparison, the global steel industry reduced its raw steel production by 5.2% up to May 2020, compared to the same period in 2019, while China's production increased by 1.8%. In comparison with last month, the world registered an increase of 9.1%, driven by China, which showed an increase of 8.5%. It said “We are entering a transition stage. The short term trend is not yet clear, as we see some positive signs, while negative ones remain. Due to the economic downturn, it is estimated that world steel demand could fall 6.4% in 2020 and recover 3.8% during 2021. This reduction is mainly due to the generalized contraction in all countries, except for China, expected to grow 1% in 2020.”

During the first quarter, imports as a percentage of consumption reached 35%, whereas in April they rose to 41%. Local production in the first quarter, in turn, represented 81% of consumption, but in April only 74%. This substitution of production for imports in the current crisis conditions should be a red flag signaling governments to address this problem. Alacero said “We must warn that now, more than ever, it is necessary to avoid unfair imports, such as those coming from China, and to encourage domestic consumption. It is a time for governments and industry to strive to create conditions that will allow us to come out stronger after this slump, in terms of developing infrastructure and value chains and strengthening the industrial fabric, which generates employment.”

Latin America is struggling because it does not have sufficient economic capacity to handle the public health crisis and some governments have not taken all the necessary actions to mitigate the difficult situation. There are examples of countries, like Singapore, that can be considered models to be imitated, because in addition to using technology and dedicating resources (20% of GDP) they have implemented fiscal measures such as the temporary suspension of tax levies (VAT, individuals and legal entities), support for companies' payroll to avoid layoffs, changes in health disability regulations with a greater contribution from the government, direct help to micro-businesses and the informal economy without the obligation to pay back loans, among others. In these countries, economies showed signs of recovery more quickly.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Supreme Court Rejects Bail Plea of Former CFO of Bhushan Steel Ltd

Hindustan Times reported that the Supreme Court has rejected the bail plea of former chief financial officer of Bhushan Steel Mr Nitin Johari who came to court claiming that the fraud alleged against him by the serious frauds investigation office has 287 other accused while he alone was still in jail. A three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice SA Bobde remarked “You are the brain behind it.”

The SFIO arrested Johari in May 2019 and filed a charge-sheet the same year claiming that while as CFO, Johari fraudulently obtained letters of credit from banks worth nearly Rs 20,000 crore by furnishing false documents. SFIO further alleged in the chargesheet that during 2016-17, Johari inflated the inventory of raw materials to avail enhanced working capital from lenders.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
CSN to buy Iron Ore from Glencore

Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional announced that CSN Mineração SA signed on this date a new long-term iron ore supply contract with the Swiss trading company Glencore International AG. The transaction involves an initial prepayment to CSN Mineração of USD 115,000,000.00, related to the supply of iron ore of approximately 4 million tonnes for up to 5 years.

This new contract has mechanisms that give it flexibility so that the amount of the prepayment is increased if it is in the interest of the parties, and also reflects CSN’s better credit profile by incorporating better conditions in relation to previous contracts, in particular a grace period for amortization. The disbursement will occur when certain conditions precedent are met, which are customary for this type of transaction.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Metalloinvest & Linde Start Air Separation Unit Construction at Ural Steel

Metalloinvest and Linde Gas Novotroitsk LLC have started the active construction phase of the air separation unit at Ural Steel. Linde’s involvement in the construction, launch and maintenance of the new facility will enable construction cost optimisation and ensure the stable operation of the facility, as well as a high level of maintenance. Metalloinvest's investment in the construction of the related infrastructure for the oxygen block of the new Air Separation Unit 6 will amount to about 800 million roubles. Implementation of the project will meet the plant's demand for high quality air separation and provide a foundation for further production development. The facility will have the capacity to produce 20,000 cubic metres of industrial oxygen per hour and up to 4,000 cubic metres of gaseous nitrogen, dry compressed air and argon. It will be equipped in line with modern standards and all control processes will be carried out using the latest IT solutions.

Works on laying foundations, building of the main infrastructure facilities and installing underground communications have already been completed. Installation of steel structures of pipeline flyovers and the engine room is in progress, with over 95% of works already completed. At the same time, non-essential equipment is being installed and a large-scale pipeline assembly is underway.

All stages of the project are progressing according to schedule. Completion of construction and installation works and launch of the facility are planned for the first quarter of 2021.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Severstal Secures Rebar Certification in Sweden & Norway

Severstal has received a certificate of conformity, which allows it to sell reinforcing bars of strength classes B500B, B500NC, K500V-T, K500S-T in Western Europe. The certificate of conformity to standards NS3576-3: 2012, SS-EN10080: 2006 + SS212540: 2014 confirms the high level of mechanical characteristics along the entire length of the roll. The necessary parameters were ensured by the implementation of investment projects at mill 250 in the production of long products at CherMK, where rebar with a diameter of 10 - 25 mm is produced. In particular, the installation of a tribe device, which is designed to transport rolled steel in the rolling line of the mill, as well as the launch of a new installation for thermomechanical hardening of mill 250.

In addition, experts from the Directorate for Technical Development and Quality of the Severstal Russian Steel Division unified the chemical composition of steel, from which produce fittings of classes B500B, B500NC, K500V-T, K500S-T. After a series of experimental heats and rolls, a product was obtained that fully meets the requirements of the standards.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
AISI Applauds Committee Passage of Water Infrastructure Bill

American Iron and Steel Institute interim president and CEO Mr Kevin Dempsey, on the passage by the US House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020, said “Investment in ports, inland waterways, locks and dams, is vital to the health of the steel industry, US national security and our nation’s business supply chain. We are pleased that the T&I Committee today passed a bipartisan measure to, among other things, authorize Army Corps of Engineers’ projects and apply Buy America provisions to all Corps construction projects to ensure American steel is used in the construction of water infrastructure projects. This will enhance the demand for domestic steel. In addition, AISI member companies rely heavily on seaports and inland waterways to move raw materials that are essential for domestic steelmaking. We applaud today’s bill as a critical step in securing passage of this important legislation soon.”

Mr Dempsey noted that the legislation also modifies the inland waterways project cost-share to 65% from the general fund of the Treasury and 35% from Inland Waterways Trust Fund (over the previous 50%/50%), which will facilitate the construction of important inland navigation projects.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Australia Starts Anti Dumping Probe on Aluminum Zinc Coated Steel Imports

According to a report in Viatnamese media, Australian Anti-dumping Commission has initiated two anti-dumping and anti-subsidisation investigations for some aluminium zinc coated steel products with a width of 600 mm or more has harmonised system codes 7210.61 and 7225.99, which originate from Viet Nam and some other countries. The ADC initiated an investigation into two cases of aluminum zinc coated steel products with a width of less than 600mm and equal to or greater than 600mm. The investigation period is from April 1 last year to March 31 this year. Injury Examination Period is from April 1, 2016. Initial submissions are due by August 6.

The applicant is Australian BlueScope Steel Limited.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal to Restart Dunkerque Blast Furnace 3 in August

Image Source: ArcelorMittal Dunkerque Blast Furnace

S&P Platts reported that ArcelorMittal is set to restart one of the two temporarily idled blast furnaces at its Dunkerque site in northern France in August. A spokesman said “ArcelorMittal plans to restart blast furnace No 3, which has a capacity of 3 million tonne peryear of crude steel, at some point in August, but the precise date has not been decided.”

Dunkerque has three blast furnaces with combined annual capacity of 7 million tonnes, but only one is operational at the moment. The two largest blast furnaces, which have matching annual capacities, were temporarily shuttered in March and April due to the slump in demand caused by the coronavirus pandemic. ArcelorMittal idled No 1 blast furnace at Fos-sur-Mer on March 23 due to the pandemic. The site's No. 2 blast furnace was supposed to be idled in June, but this was postponed by a month.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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