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Wat gebeurt er in 2017? Liquidatie of niet?

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ZR ,ik ben er bijna helemaal uit. Ik kijk even de kat uit boom hoe de koers gaat ontwikkelen.

Heb een nieuwe stijger gevonden. Moet de aankomende weekjes ook wel een kleine 20 a 30 % kunnen stijgen of mischien meer als dat de koers een keertje los word gelaten...

Het is jou aandeeltje kardan...lol


Voor 2 cent stonden er meer dan 2 miljoen.. nu 1,8 miljoen hoe kan dat nou weer?
Het word dus liquidatie, zoals blijkt uit het gisteren verschenen persbericht.
En alle "assets" worden aan een derde verkocht, maar hoe is onduidelijk tot nog toe.
En dan nog een YD claim.
To the shareholders:

London - 20 January 2017 at 08:30 hours

Sale of assets

During the annual general meeting held on 15 July 2016 ("AGM"), a resolution was passed authorizing the directors, notwithstanding any provision of the Company's articles of association to the contrary, to dispose of any subsidiary or asset of the Company on such terms as they see fit, and stating that the provisions of article 88a shall not apply to any such disposal.

As discussed during the AGM and noted in the statement published on the Company website on 15 July 2016 ("Statement"), there are no remaining commercial activities within the Company and its subsidiaries and there is little room for nor commercial sense regarding future investments and/or activities on the part of the Company and/or Algo Vision Systems GmbH ("Algo Vision"). Continuation of the business is a very costly exercise as a result of the complex structure of the Company and such costs are expected to continue. The Board believes the continuation of the Company in the long term is not in the interests of the shareholders.

As discussed during the AGM and explained in the Statement, the Board therefore intends to arrange for a full and orderly liquidation of the group in the longer term. In connection thereto, the Board hereby informs the shareholders that it is investigating, inter alia, the possibility of a short term sale of its assets through a controlled auction to one interested buyer. Information with respect to this sale and auction will be placed on the Company website. The auction protocol is currently in preparation and will also be placed on the Company website. Shareholder approval will be sought prior to the actual sale.
Your Drinks Claim

The Shareholders are informed that Your Drinks AG has filed legal proceedings against the Company's subsidiary Algo Vision demanding payment under a royalty agreement to the amount of EUR 1.050.000. The Company strongly contests this claim. As stated during the AGM, the Company and Algo Vision are of the opinion that the royalty agreement (and other agreements entered into with Your Drinks AG) is (/are) not valid and that even if this were not to be the case, there are grounds for substantial claims against Your Drinks. Algo Vision will therefore put forward a strong defense and substantial counter claim. The Board notes that (the management of) Your Drink AG has neither convened an annual general meeting in 2016 within the statutory deadline, nor deposited its annual accounts for 2015 with the German Federal Gazette or made them available to the shareholders, despite requests thereto.

Board of Directors

Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma
Mr. A. van Raak

Wat betekent dit concreet voor de aandeelhouders? Zullen we nog iets terug zien van onze investering?

fayfenna schreef op 22 januari 2017 20:53:

Wat betekent dit concreet voor de aandeelhouders? Zullen we nog iets terug zien van onze investering?
Vraag dat maar aan meneer Zwart.....

fayfenna schreef op 22 januari 2017 20:53:

Wat betekent dit concreet voor de aandeelhouders? Zullen we nog iets terug zien van onze investering?
Er zijn nog 2 grote problemen op te lossen: de vorderingen op Ritskes/YourDrinks en de procedure tegen YourDrinks/Mad-Croc.
...en de koers is weer terug bij af! ben benieuwd wie hiervan heeft geprofiteerd (if any)

keffertje schreef op 24 januari 2017 07:57:

...en de koers is weer terug bij af! ben benieuwd wie hiervan heeft geprofiteerd (if any)
Ben daar ook erg benieuwd naar. Mischien De Zwarte Ridder? lol

[quote alias=DeZwarteRidder id=9837326 date=201701230951]
Er zijn nog 2 grote problemen op te lossen: de vorderingen op Ritskes/YourDrinks en de procedure tegen YourDrinks/Mad-Croc.

Zwart heeft ongeveer acht miljoen uitgegeven aan adviseurs, behalve veel bla bla persberichten,
heb ik nergens gelezen dat oude bestuur is aangepakt. Dus denk ik dat het grootste probleem
van OIM dhr zwart is. Acht miljoen verbrand in iets meer als twee jaar en dan roepen liquideren.
Ben zeeeeeer benieuwd hoe Mercurius zich nu voelt?
Your Drinks start gerechtelijke procedure tegen AVS en stelt Peter Zwart (CEO AVS én OIM) persoonlijk aansprakelijk.

Klage gegen die Algo Vision Systems GmbH erhoben

Posted January 20th, 2017 by basb & filed under Aktuelles, ShowOnHome.

Your Drinks AG

Klage gegen die Algo Vision Systems GmbH erhoben

20. Januar 2017
Your Drinks AG

Die Your Drinks AG hat nunmehr vor dem Landgericht Berlin Klage gegen die Algo Vision Systems GmbH, Bremen, (“AVS”), eine Tochtergesellschaft der Opportunity Investment Management plc. (“OIM”), erhoben auf Zahlung von € 1,05 Mio. Die Klage ist aus Sicht von Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat notwendig geworden, weil die AVS klaren vertraglichen Verpflichtungen aus einer entsprechenden Investitionsvereinbarung nicht nachkommt (vgl. auch schon die Pressemitteilung der Your Drinks AG vom 8. Oktober 2015). Frühere Zahlungspflichten aus der Investitionsvereinbarung hatte die AVS jeweils erfüllt. Für ihre Weigerung, den ausstehenden Restbetrag von € 1,05 Mio. ebenfalls zu zahlen, hat die nach Auffassung der Gesellschaft keine stichhaltigen Gründe genannt. Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat der Your Drinks AG sehen deshalb gute Chancen für die gerichtliche Durchsetzung der Forderung. Allerdings besteht selbst im Erfolgsfall das Risiko, dass eine gerichtlich zugesprochene Forderung mangels ausreichenden Vermögens der AVS nicht durchsetzbar sein könnte. Möglicherweise ist bereits nicht ausgeschlossen, dass schon die Klageerhebung eine Insolvenz der AVS auslösen könnte. Sollte in einem solchen Szenario eine bestehende Forderung der Your Drinks AG nicht oder nicht vollständig gegen die AVS durchsetzbar sein, wird die Your Drinks AG eine persönliche Haftung des Geschäftsführers der AVS prüfen und gegebenenfalls entsprechende Ansprüche geltend machen. Der Geschäftsführer der AVS ist zugleich auch CEO bei der Muttergesellschaft OIM PLC.

Die bisherige Zahlungsverweigerung der AVS hat das operative Geschäft der Your Drinks AG belastet, da diese Mittel insbesondere für Marketingmaßnahmen nicht zur Verfügung standen. Diese Beeinträchtigung des Geschäfts der Your Drinks AG ist aus Sicht von Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat maßgeblich von der Muttergesellschaft der AVS, der OIM, zu verantworten. Da die OIM einer der größten Einzelaktionäre der Your Drinks AG ist, stößt dieses Verhalten bei Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat auf Unverständnis. Leider müssen jedoch Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat feststellen, dass die OIM im Grunde seit Amtsantritt ihres derzeitigen CEO im Juli 2014 vor allem in einer Weise aktiv geworden ist, die für die geschäftlichen Aktivitäten der Your Drinks AG belastend war. Aktivitäten, die sich positiv auf den Geschäftsaufbau von Your Drinks hätten auswirken können, waren dagegen bei OIM trotz ihrer großen Aktienbeteiligung an der Your Drinks AG nicht zu erkennen. Im Gegenteil hat es OIM beispielsweise für richtig befunden, in eigenen Pressemitteilungen auch fehlerhafte Aussagen über Your Drinks zu publizieren. Die Your Drinks AG ist solchen fehlerhaften Informationen jeweils über ihren Rechtsanwalt entgegengetreten.
Im Zusammenhang mit der Presseveröffentlichung der OIM vom 20.01.2017 weisen wir darauf hin, dass für die angekündigten Aktivitäten bezüglich der Investitionen in die Your Drinks AG teilweise die Zustimmung der Your Drinks AG erforderlich ist.

Auch bedingt durch die notwendige Bewältigung der aus Sicht von Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat durch OIM und AVS verursachten Belastungen hat die Your Drinks AG die anstehende Hauptversammlung bislang noch nicht einberufen. Dies soll nun jedoch in Kürze erfolgen.

Your Drinks AG
c/o Kurfürstendamm 21
D-10719 Berlin
Email: info@yourdrinksag.com
ZR..effe melden. Vandaag weer een positie genomen. Wel is waar beduidend minder als de meer dan een meloen wat ik eerst had.


wieweet schreef op 27 januari 2017 21:51:

ZR..effe melden. Vandaag weer een positie genomen. Wel is waar beduidend minder als de meer dan een meloen wat ik eerst had.
Zoals gewoonlijk koop je veel te duur...
Regulated and Inside Information

Settlement Your Drinks, updates Auction Protocol, wind down,
Annual Accounts and General Meeting

To the shareholders:

London - 20 July 2017 at 08:30 hours CET
In this notification, the Board wishes to inform and update the shareholders of the following:

A settlement between Your Drinks AG ("Your Drinks") and the Company / Algo Vision Systems GmbH ("AVS") finally settling all existing disputes, claims and costly court proceedings. A single payment of EUR 250,000 is made by the Company or AVS to Your Drinks. The claims Your Drinks stated to have against the Company and AVS of approximately EUR 1,500,000 are settled. Your Drinks agreed not to stand in the way of a dissolution or liquidation of the Company.
The (Financial) consequences of the settlement.
The proposed winding down of the Company and in that respect the proposed sale of assets, including an update on (the lack of bids under) the Auction Protocol and the intended sale of assets to a foundation (subject to shareholder approval).
An update regarding the intended date for publication of the Annual Accounts and the Company's General Meeting.
A summary of the next steps proposed by the Board.

Settlement with Your Drinks AG

As the Company disclosed in its announcement on 20 January 2017, Your Drinks filed legal proceedings in Germany against the Company's subsidiary AVS, demanding payment in aggregate of approximately EUR 1 million plus interest and costs pursuant to a Royalty Agreement entered into in 2014. Separate from these proceedings, Your Drinks and the Company were in dispute about a set-off against a claim of approx. EUR 0.5 million that Your Drinks believed to have against the Company, as well as other payment obligations resulting from loan- and financing agreements agreed between Your Drinks and the Company in 2014. Both the claim that was subject to the proceedings in Germany and the claims which were not subject to court proceedings were strongly contested by the parties. Both AVS and the Company disputed the validity of the agreements and claimed that the circumstances under which they were entered into gave rise to claims against Your Drinks. Your Drinks for its part contested these arguments and counter-claims.

In order to avoid the uncertainty and costs of protracted legal proceedings, and noting even if a success would finally be achieved, it had to be assumed that the claims may not be (fully) recoverable from Your Drinks, and furthermore having regard to the limited liquidity of the OIM-group, the Board considered it desirable to compromise the claims if suitable terms could be agreed. Parties were promoted by the suggestion of the Judge in the German Court that AVS and Your Drinks should attempt settlement negotiations.

The Board is therefore pleased to announce that a settlement has now been reached before the District Court of Berlin, in which Your Drinks, AVS and the Company are included. The terms of the settlement agreement are confidential. However the Board can state that the purpose and effect of the settlement is to settle all existing disputes between the parties, which concern not merely the claims that are subject of the proceedings but other related issues not yet brought into any proceedings and therefore include the abovementioned (disputed) claims against the Company and AVS and the liability claims of the Company and AVS against Your Drinks (as referred to in the Auction Protocol published on 3 February 2017).

Under the settlement agreement OIM or AVS makes a single payment to Your Drinks of EUR 250,000 and no further payments will be due from either company to Your Drinks. The settlement leaves unaffected the existing and future obligations of Your Drinks under an (extended) 5 million loan agreement from 2014 (noting that interest is again due from 1 January 2018 onwards) and the abovementioned Royalty Agreement. This includes, therefore, the payment of royalty fees as well as the repayment of a principal loan amount and the payment of interest from 1 January 2018 onwards. A further financing agreement from 2014 is considered completed and terminated with no remaining rights or obligations for any party.

(Financial) consequences settlement

The Board informs the shareholders that the OIM Group is able to make the aforementioned single payment to Your Drinks and still be able to pay its debts as they fall due. Following the settlement with Your Drinks and excepting running costs including advisors' fees, neither the Company nor AVS has any known creditors. The Board believes that there is now sufficient liquidity available for an orderly winding down, as the substantial reservations required in view of the claims made by Your Drinks AG are now no longer necessary.
Sale of assets

OIM and AVS have initiated an auction on 3 February 2017 of certain assets held by them as part of a longer term liquidation or dissolution strategy. As part of this same strategy, OIM and AVS intended to transfer all their contractual relationships with Your Drinks to a third party or to a foundation. The Board refers to the publications on the Company's website on 3 February 2017. As the aforementioned settlement negotiations have presently been finalised, the Board is now at liberty to announce that following publication of the Auction Protocol on 3 February 2017, only one (conditional) bid was received and subsequently fully withdrawn. As such, no acceptable bids were received within the timeframes set out in the Auction Protocol.

The Board is currently considering its options in view of the proposed winding down of the Company. Pursuant to the Auction Protocol, the Company and AVS intend (subject to approval) to sell the relevant assets to a foundation to be incorporated for this purpose for their current market value. As part of the abovementioned settlement with Your Drinks, Your Drinks has approved a transfer of the contracts between parties to such a foundation. This foundation (a Dutch "Stichting") will administer the assets for the benefit of OIM's shareholders that are formally registered as shareholders on the register of members on the date of the start of the legal transfer of assets to the foundation. The foundation would therefore, amongst other things, receive any payment of royalty fees, as well as the repayment of a principal loan amount and the payment of interest from 1 January 2018 onwards. The Board expresses severe doubts as to whether any such royalty fees, interest payments or repayments will take place in the future and/or be recoverable from Your Drinks. However if such payments are made following dissolution or liquidation of OIM, these payments would then be made to the foundation acting for the benefit of OIM's shareholders. The manner in which the foundation will administer the assets will be described in more detail in a following notification to the shareholders. This notification will be published prior to the General Meeting.

As stated, excepting running costs including advisors' fees, neither the Company nor AVS has any creditors. The Board notes it has waived its management fee from April 2017 onwards. The proposed sale of assets to a foundation would therefore clear the way for an orderly dissolution or liquidation of OIM and its subsidiaries. The Board intends to inform the shareholders in more detail about the proposed next steps, the plan to wind down the Company and strategy in further notifications.
Annual accounts and General Meeting

The Company is in the process of finalising the Company's accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 ("Annual Accounts"). The (reciprocal) claims that were the subject of the aforementioned legal proceedings in Germany and subsequent settlement with Your Drinks created financial uncertainty, which affected the drafting of the Annual Accounts 2016 and resulted in a delay in the publication of the Annual Accounts. The Board paused the finalisation of the accounts whilst the settlement negotiations were underway, to avoid unnecessary costs. Now that negotiations with Your Drinks have resulted in a settlement, the Board expects to be able to complete the process of finalising the Company's accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016, reflecting the certainty of the terms of this settlement. The accounts will be published as soon as practicable and, taking into account the holiday season, the expectation of the Board is that the accounts will be published on or before 15 September 2017.

The 2017 Annual General Meeting is expected to be held in October 2017. An announcement of the date will be made and notices will be posted shortly following the publication of the accounts. At approximately the same time, the Company expects to update shareholders by way of further announcement about the longer term winding down of the Company and its subsidiaries, which was referred to in the announcement made at the AGM on 15 July 2016 and published on the Company's website.
Summary next steps

Following this notification to the shareholder, the Company intends to take the following steps:

Finalisation and publication of the Annual Accounts;
Further notification to the shareholders regarding the proposed sale of assets to a foundation;
Further notification to the shareholders regarding a concrete plan for winding down the Company;
General Meeting; and
Implementation of a plan to wind down the Company.

Board of Directors

Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma
Mr. A. van Raak


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Kortom OIM wordt geliquideerd en de geregistreerde aandeelhouders houden via een stichting recht op evt. betalingen door Your Drinks.
De kans dat er betalingen komen van Your Drinks schat ik op vrijwel nihil.
Regulated and Inside Information

Settlement Belgian Financial Services and
Market Authorities

To the shareholders:

London - 7 February 2017 at 18:00 hours CET

The purpose of this notification is to inform shareholders of a settlement reached with the Belgian Financial Services and Market Authorities ("FSMA").

The FSMA has investigated the announcements by the Company from 22 May 2014 onwards regarding the payment of interim dividend. The FSMA found that by (1) publicly announcing the intent to pay a dividend of 0,25 euro per share and (2) by concretizing that intent through the announcement that 0,19 euro per share would be paid on 15 July 2014 and (3) the subsequent announcement that this payment would be delayed to 30 July 2014, the Company (represented by the former board members) provided incorrect and misleading information, for which reason the Company was faced with a severe penalty.

This information is considered misleading because the Company (represented by the former board members) created an incorrect impression that it had sufficient funds to make the aforementioned dividend payment at a time when it did not meet the formal requirements applicable to companies with a statutory seat in England. The FSMA refers to the fact that formally approved interim accounts are required for interim dividend payments. Interim accounts were, however, only drafted by the former board members following the original dividend announcement.

The FSMA notes that the necessary and appropriate steps required to prevent the Company from paying a dividend for which the legal requirements were not met, were taken by the current board members. The current board was also found to have informed the market of the above in a timely fashion.

In consideration of the facts and the financial position of the Company, a settlement was reached with the FSMA for an amount of EUR 125.000. The settlement will also be announced on the FSMA website. See for the full text of the settlement www.fsma.be/nl/Supervision/sanc.aspx, below 'Minnelijke schikkingen' (Dutch version) or www.fsma.be/fr/Supervision/sanc.aspx below 'Règlements transactionnels' (French version).

Despite the fact that the amount is substantial, the payment will not alter the financial forecast for the Company as set out in the Interim Financial Statements 2016, published on 30 September 2016. The Board will review whether the settlement amount can be recovered from the former board members.

Board of Directors

Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma
Mr. A. van Raak


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Further clarification regarding settlement Your Drinks AG

To the shareholders:

London - 6 September 2017 at 13:00 hours CET

As a result of the settlement reached with Your Drinks AG before the District Court Berlin (notification dated 20 July 2017), OIM hereby declares:

"The statement made by OIM on page 1, 2 of the Auction Protocol dated February 3rd, 2017, that the assets to be sold also consist of:

'(2) any and all claims OIM has against former (not current) directors of OIM including claims for mismanagement and breach of fiduciary duty (subject to contract and to suitable safeguards for OIM; only for a party with sufficient interest in the claim such as would be entitled under English Law to bring the claim in place of OIM)'

is hereby withdrawn and will not be repeated by OIM. The assets of OIM do not include any such claims."

Board of Directors

Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma
Mr. A. van Raak


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