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Wat gebeurt er in 2017? Liquidatie of niet?

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Een echte hunter schreef op 6 september 2017 18:06:

Opportunity Investment Management Logo
Further clarification regarding settlement Your Drinks AG
To the shareholders:

London - 6 September 2017 at 13:00 hours CET

As a result of the settlement reached with Your Drinks AG before the District Court Berlin (notification dated 20 July 2017), OIM hereby declares:

"The statement made by OIM on page 1, 2 of the Auction Protocol dated February 3rd, 2017, that the assets to be sold also consist of:

'(2) any and all claims OIM has against former (not current) directors of OIM including claims for mismanagement and breach of fiduciary duty (subject to contract and to suitable safeguards for OIM; only for a party with sufficient interest in the claim such as would be entitled under English Law to bring the claim in place of OIM)'

is hereby withdrawn and will not be repeated by OIM. The assets of OIM do not include any such claims."

Board of Directors

Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma
Mr. A. van Raak


Copyright Opportunity Investment Management PLC 2012
Dus onze forumgenoot Tepper krijgt geen claims meer aan zijn broek....
Heeft zwart toch geen gelijk mbt oude management!
Maar wel fijn alle miljoenen opgeblazen, die er in 2014 nog toch zijn
beschikking stonden in OIM.
Apart dat na laatste bericht in july OIM dit nog extra meld, is toch eigenlijk
gezichtsverlies voor KEIZER ZWART,
En hij meld in july bericht dat vanaf april hij al niet meer word betaald, kassa leeg?

Mercurius deed dus een overval door met hun meerderheid van stemrecht de oude board te vervangen voor een door hen naar voren geschoven nieuwe board. Het enige wat de nieuwe board (onder leiding van Peter Zwart) heeft gedaan, is het wegsluizen van EUR 8.5 miljoen?! En nu blijkt dus, dat de oude board niets verkeerd heeft gedaan en nu van alle verdachtmakingen gerehabiliteerd is. Maar wat koop je daar nu voor.

En wie zijn de dupe? Juist, de aandeelhouders. Wordt het nu niet eens tijd dat die Peter Zwart en zijn bedrijven, volledig doorgelicht gaat worden? Waar is al dat geld gebleven?

Doodzonde allemaal, wat een onnodige schade is hier aangericht.
To the shareholders:

London - 19 September 2017 at 18:00 hours CET
Annual accounts and General Meeting

The Company and its auditors Ernst & Young are still in the process of finalising the Company's accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 ("Annual Accounts") and the audit of the Annual Accounts. Although most hurdles have been taken, issues remain to be solved. The accounts will be published as soon as practicable and the expectation of the Board is that the accounts will be published on or before 15 October 2017.

The 2017 Annual General Meeting is expected to be held in November 2017. An announcement of the date will be made and notices will be posted shortly following the publication of the accounts. At approximately the same time, the Company expects to update shareholders by way of further announcement about the longer term winding down of the Company and its subsidiaries, which was referred to in the announcement made at the AGM on 15 July 2016 and published on the Company's website.

Board of Directors

Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma
Mr. A. van Raak

Orderboek 4-10-2017- 20:34 uur

Bied Vol. Prijs t
0 0,000
749.900 0,010
489.999 0,020
305.950 0,030
909.609 0,040

Laat: 0,060 989.651
0,070 104.750
0,080 67.174
0,090 338.500
0,100 176.431

wieweet schreef op 4 oktober 2017 20:50:

Lijkt wel of de laat minder word....Of bedoelde je dat niet ZR ?
De Bied ook.
Orderboek vandaag:

Bied Vol. Prijs
899.900 0,010
490.250 0,020
305.951 0,030
1.192.139 0,040
11.025 [0,050]
0,060 1.016.151
0,070 198.250
0,080 160.499
0,090 348.500
0,100 186.431
Van uitstel komt afstel, Zwart zijn pers mededelingen zijn hilarisch.
Op de website staat een indrukwekkend rijtje van uitstel berichten
sinds augustus 2014
Aan de kop van dit draadje zou moeten worden toegevoegd, faillisement en fraude.
Aandeelhouders zijn werkelijk bestolen.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Dissolution Plan, Annual accounts 2016, Notice AGM and resignation

To the shareholders:

London - 20 December 2017 at 18:00 hours
ANNOUNCEMENT: Dissolution Plan, Annual accounts 2016, Notice AGM and resignation

Dissolution Plan

There are no remaining commercial activities within the Company and its subsidiaries and there is little room for nor commercial sense regarding future investments and/or activities. Continuation of the business is a very costly exercise as a result of the complex structure of the Company and is therefore not an option. As previously announced during the annual general meeting held on 15 July 2016 and in subsequent statement and notifications dated 15 July 2016, 20 January 2017, 3 February 2017 and 20 July 2017, the Board therefore intends to arrange for a full and orderly winding down of the Company and group.

The Board of Directors of OIM plc informs the market that it has made a dissolution plan to this end, which is put before the shareholders for approval during the annual general meeting to be held on January 18, 2018. The Dissolution plan is available here.

Annual accounts 2016

The Board of Directors of OIM plc informs the market that it has approved the annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2016, which has been signed by the auditor of the company, Ernst & Young, as well. The annual report and financial statements have been or will be filed at Company House and are available here.

Announcement Annual General Meeting on 18 January 2018

The Board of Directors of OIM Plc informs the market that an Annual General Meeting will be will be held on Thursday 18 January 2018 at 2.30 PM (UK) at the office of DWF LLP, 20 FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON, EC3M 3AG. Notice of the general meeting and a form of proxy have been posted to shareholders. Furthermore, the notice and proxy can be downloaded here: Notice AGM & Proxy form AGM.

For security reasons, everyone wishing to attend the AGM must have with them valid photographic identification which officials at the entrance of the building will inspect. Due to the increased security arrangements, anyone wishing to attend the AGM is strongly advised to arrive in good time before the start of the meeting as there may be delays gaining entry to the building which are beyond the control of the Company. Shareholders intending to attend the annual general meeting of the Company on 18 January 2018 in person or whose proxy or corporate representative will attend in person are reminded to read the notes attached to the notice of the meeting in order to ensure that they have with them all necessary documentation to be entitled to gain access to the meeting, and that only shareholders registered by name in the shareholders register maintained by the registrar or their duly appointed proxies and corporate representatives will be granted access to the meeting.


The Board of Directors of OIM Plc also informs the market that Arnoud van Raak will per resigning from OIM Plc in all his capacities as per the date of the AGM.

Board of Directors

Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma
Mr. A. van Raak
1.1. Pre-Application
It is proposed that the application for dissolution will be made 3 months after the completion of the later of:
the delisting;
the transfer of the assets to a foundation or interested parties (noting that if and to the extent that the assets are not sold to a foundation or interested parties by 18 February 2018, the assets are to vest bona vacantia as part of a subsequent dissolution, entailing that these assets go to the Crown (the Treasurer)).
The Board will ensure that in the 3 month period prior to making the application for dissolution, OIM has not:
traded or otherwise carried on business
changed its name
engaged in any other activity except one which is necessary for the purpose of:
o making an application for strike off or deciding whether to do so
o concluding the affairs of the company, such as settling trading or business debts
o complying with any statutory requirement
made a disposal for value of property or rights that, immediately before ceasing to trade or otherwise carry on business, it held for the purpose of disposal for gain in the normal course of trading or otherwise carrying on business
Prepare sale of assets
At least 3 months prior to its dissolution, OIM wishes to dispose of its assets. It attempted to do so through the auction protocol, but was unsuccessful therein due to lack of interest. The Auction Protocol has foreseen this situation and states:
“If the shareholders do not approve the Transaction, if no Binding Offers are received within the timeframes set out above, or if the Transaction does not take place for any
reason, the Assets shall be sold to a foundation to be incorporated for this purpose for their current market value.
The foundation will administer the Assets to the benefit of OIM's shareholders that are formally registered as shareholders on the shareholders register kept at Capita Registrars on the date of the start of the legal transfer of Assets, to the extent allowable by law. The Board aims to subsequently liquidate OIM and its subsidiaries.”
Option 1: transfer of assets to foundation
OIM therefore wishes to “sell” its assets (rights under the agreements with Your Drinks for royalties and interests, shares in Out of Africa AG (in liquidation), shares in Algo Vision Systems GmbH ((by then) in liquidation) to a foundation. We can assume that the current market value for such assets is extremely low (e.g. EUR 1,00). In its settlement with Your Drinks AG, Your Drinks agreed to a transfer of the agreements Algo Vision and OIM have with Your Drinks to such a foundation.
Following OIM's dissolution, this foundation (a Dutch “Stichting”) will administer the assets for the benefit of those persons that are formally registered as shareholders on the register of members for OIM on the date of the start of the legal transfer of assets to the foundation ("Ultimate Beneficiaries"). The foundation would therefore, amongst other things, receive any payment of royalty fees, as well as the repayment of a principal loan amount and the payment of interest from 1 January 2018 onwards.
OIM is in contact with a public notary and an independent (trust) director in view of setting up this foundation.
In order to set up the foundation and to sell and transfer the assets, OIM requires financing for this foundation. Shareholders (and other interested parties) are invited to make a proposal in this respect prior to the shareholders meeting to be held on 18 January 2018.
OIM has calculated that the minimum financing needed to set up and run a foundation to 2021 (see below) amounts to approximately EUR 65.000 excluding tax. These costs include the payment of an independent (trust)director (including initial costs, annual fee and estimated time spent per year), registration of the office address of the foundation, administration, bookkeeping and annual accounts, supplying information to the (then former) registered shareholders of OIM and finally the liquidation of the foundation. The foundation is expected to remain in existence until (at least) 2021 when the loan agreement with Your Drinks AG terminates and the loan becomes due.
The financing could in theory be repaid by any interest, royalties and loan repayments received from Your Drinks AG, depending on whether and to what extent such amounts are received. The remainder – after costs – would be distributed to the aforementioned shareholders upon liquidation to the extent allowable by law. The Board is obligated to state that it expresses doubts as to whether any such royalty fees, interest payments or repayments will take place in the future and/or be recoverable from Your Drinks.
Option 2: sell/transfer the individual assets
At least three months prior to its dissolution, OIM wishes to sell/transfer its assets. It attempted to do so through the auction protocol, but was unsuccessful therein due to lack of interest. The Auction Protocol has foreseen this situation and states that the assets may be sold/transferred to a foundation to be administered for the benefit of OIM’s shareholders that are formally registered as shareholders on the register of members on the date of the start of the legal transfer of assets to the foundation. In its settlement with Your Drinks AG, Your Drinks agreed to a transfer of the agreements Algo Vision and OIM have with Your Drinks to such a foundation. Option 2 applies if insufficient financing is available for option 1.
OIM and AVS have insufficient funds to remain in existence until 2021 (during that year the loan agreement with Your Drinks AG terminates and loan becomes due). If no or insufficient financing is available for the foundation mentioned under option 1, OIM will have no other choice but to sell the individual assets, at least the shares in Your Drinks and – subject to approval Your Drinks – sale or transfer of the agreements with Your Drinks AG. Given that both Out of Africa AG and Algo Vision Systems GmbH are (or by that time will be) in liquidation, the sales of these shares are not an absolute necessity.
If no or insufficient financing for a foundation is obtained, OIM and AVS wish to give the shareholders the opportunity to purchase individual assets prior to commencing the dissolution process. Shareholders (and interested parties) are invited to make a proposal for individual or combination of assets in this respect prior to the shareholders meeting to be held on 18 January 2018.
If there are no interested parties, the shares in Your Drinks AG will be sold in an online auction. Remaining unsold assets are to vest bona vacantia as part of a subsequent dissolution, entailing that these assets go to the Crown (the Treasurer). To the extent option 1 or option 2 has not resulted in a transfer of assets, the Company may therefore enter into an agreement with any other party under which that party acquires for a nominal consideration whatever right, title or interest the Company has in the assets used in its business.
Shareholders and interested parties may request further information regarding the assets they wish to purchase, by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address: oim@chestnut.nl.
Payment to shareholders
Below, an overview is provided of the expected costs for the entire process of selling/transferring assets, the delisting and the dissolution process. An additional safety margin of EUR 40,000 will be kept in the company to deal with any unexpected issues.
That entails (as is shown below) that it is expected that there will be remaining an amount of EUR 41,054 (to be increased by any proceeds for assets sold by the Company and should option 1 apply not including anything shareholders may receive from the foundation) for distribution between the shareholders prior to the commencement of the dissolution process. The costs of distribution are expected to be no more than GBP 3.000,00.
This would entail that shareholders can expect to receive EUR 0.00211 per share prior to the dissolution.
Algo Vision Systems GmbH only has sufficient cash for its liquidation. Even if the costs of liquidation are lower than expected (e.g. a potential tax debt does not arise), any resulting available liquidity would not result in any substantial increase in cash to shareholders.
1.1.1. Remaining cash for distribution (NOT FINAL CALCULATION)
Cash OIM 31/12/2018
EUR 33,562
Cash OoA to be transferred to OIM after liquidation OoA
EUR 7,492 +
Cash available to OIM parent per 01/01/2018
EUR 41,054
To shareholders: EUR 41,054/19,417,308 = EUR 0.00211
Further steps to be taken
Following completion of the above but prior to filing the application for dissolution, the directors will:
Contact HMRC to ascertain whether any taxes or duties are due and provide HMRC with final accounts;
Ensure that all assets (in addition to the "assets" transferred to the foundation) have been transferred out of the Company;
Ensure that all contracts and other agreements, have been assigned, novated or terminated.
Close the Company's bank account(s).
Consider how the Company's share capital may be lawfully returned to its shareholders. In practice, the board may need to consider:
o Re-registering the company as private and/or requesting delisting in Belgium; and
o Taking advantage of section 641 of the CA 2006 (that is, circumstances in which a company may reduce its share capital) before applying for dissolution.
Convene a board meeting or arrange for the board to pass a resolution in writing to apply for the Company to be struck off.
1.2. Application
The Board will complete and file Form DS01 "Striking off application by a company", with the relevant £10 fee.
The application will be made on the Company's behalf by its directors.
1.3. Post-Application matters
The directors on behalf of a company will secure that, within seven days from the day on which the application is made, a copy of it is given to every person who at any time on that day is:
A registered member of the company.
An employee of the company.
A known creditor of the company (including a contingent or prospective creditor).
A director of the company (including any person occupying the position of director, by whatever name called, which will include de facto directors).
A manager or trustee of any pension fund established for the benefit of employees of the company.
The document will be delivered in accordance with Section 1008 of the CA 2006.
The directors will ensure that, during the period after the day on which the application is made and before the day on which the application is finally dealt with or withdrawn, a copy of the application is given to all new members, employees and other persons in accordance with section 1007 of the CA 2006.
If any of the circumstances set out in section 1009 of the CA 2006 (below) arise between the day on which the application is made and before the day on which the application is finally dealt with or withdrawn the directors will withdraw the application.
Section 1009 (1)This section applies where, at any time on or after the day on which a company makes an application under section 1003 (application for voluntary striking off) and before the day on which the application is finally dealt with or withdrawn— (a)the company— (i)changes its name, (ii)trades or otherwise carries on business, (iii)makes a disposal for value of any property or rights other than those which it was necessary or expedient for it to hold for the purpose of making, or proceeding with, an application under that section, or (iv)engages in any activity, except one to which subsection (4) applies; (b)an application is made to the court under Part 26 on behalf of the company for the sanctioning of a compromise or arrangement; (c)a voluntary arrangement in relation to the company is proposed under Part 1 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (c. 45) or Part 2 of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 (S.I. 1989/2405 (N.I. 19)); (d)an application to the court for an administration order in respect of the company is made under paragraph 12 of Schedule B1 to that Act or paragraph 13 of Schedule B1 to that Order; (e)an administrator is appointed in respect of the company under paragraph 14 or 22 of Schedule B1 to that Act or paragraph 15 or 23 of Schedule B1 to that Order, or a copy of notice of intention to appoint an administrator of the company under any of those provisions is filed with the court; (f)there arise any of the circumstances in which, under section 84(1) of that Act or Article 70 of that Order, the company may be voluntarily wound up; (g)a petition is presented for the winding up of the company by the court under Part 4 of that Act or Part 5 of that Order;
(h)a receiver or manager of the company's property is appointed; or (i)a judicial factor is appointed to administer the company's estate.
2. Financial information
2.1. The actual balance sheet
2. Financial information
2.1. The actual balance sheet of the Company is the following:
Opportunity Investment Management Plc
Parent Company statement of financial position at 18-12-2017.
Non-current assets
Total non-current assets
Current assets
Receivable from group companies
Current tax
Other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Total current assets
Total assets
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
Called up share capital
Share premium account
Retained losses
Retained loss for the year
Total equity
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables
Total current liabilities
Total equity and liabilities
ANNOUNCEMENT: Dissolution of company

To the shareholders:

London - 8 April 2019 at 17:00 hours

ANNOUNCEMENT: Dissolution of company

On 6 December 2018, the Board announced that pursuant to the Dissolution Plan, which was agreed upon unanimously by the shareholders in the annual general meeting of 18 January 2018, all, in practice, saleable assets of OIM had been disposed of, except for the shares the Company holds in Algo Vision GmbH and Out of Africa (in liquidation) and a (very) limited amount of cash.

As announced on 7 February 2019, the voluntary strike-off that the Board would request under the Dissolution Plan would be replaced by the compulsory strike-off that was announced by the Registrar of Companies in the United Kingdom on 22 January 2019. This strike-off will take place on 9 April 2019.

To the extent practically and legally possible, all known contracts and other agreements have been assigned, novated or terminated. All the Company’s bank accounts have been closed or will be closed in the near future. Furthermore, the Board has taken all the steps that were necessary and practically possible to complete the liquidations of both Algo Vision GmbH and Out of Africa, subsidiaries of the Company. These companies have now ceased to exist or will cease to exist in the near future, both pursuant to German law.

The (proceeds of the) assets and most remaining cash in the Company were employed to settle remaining debts of the Company. Given that the advisor fees were higher than the available cash, final settlements were reached with the advisors, resulting in no remaining debts. The Board confirms that all known creditors of the Company have now been either paid or settled. There are no remaining known debts in the Company, and there is no remaining cash for distribution. As announced on 26 March 2019. There will be no further distributions to the shareholders. Then (unaudited) Annual Accounts for 2017 and 2018 can be found here.

All trade in the shares of the Company has been suspended and the Board has requested delisting from Euronext Brussels.

Any remaining legal relationships with Your Drinks AG will automatically transfer to the Crown (the Treasurer) bona vacantia as part of the dissolution and subsequent strike-off. The Board refers to the dissolution plan in this respect and to its announcements dated 18 January 2018 and 22 August 2018.

The Company has thereby concluded the affairs of the Company.

Board of Directors

Mr. P. Zwart (CEO)
Mr. W. Bouma

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 Europe50^ 5.520,52 +0,95%
 US30^ 42.798,70 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 20.187,80 0,00%
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 WTI 66,99 0,00%
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