luchtschip schreef op 8 februari 2020 01:33:
Trump krijgt wel steun van zijn
Flying Monkeys
Trump's flyin' monkeys are comin' after the whistleblower, and others
Devin Nunes
Subject Whistleblower
‘Comply’: Devin Nunes threatens criminal charges against DOJ Inspector General Michael Atkinson
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) is threatening to take action against Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson over his handling of the whistleblower’s complaint, giving him until February 14 to comply with congressional requests for documents.
“I will be referring this matter for investigation by the Department of Justice if you once again refuse to comply,” Nunes wrote in a letter.
Matt Gaetz,
Republikeins afgevaardigde in het Huis namens Florida, wants Mitt Romney expelled from the Republican Party:
"I don't know what the difference is between Mitt Romney and a Democrat at this point"
Chuck Grassley en Ron Johnson
The announcement came roughly one hour after the Senate voted to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment.
announced a review on Wednesday of "potential conflicts of interest posed by the business activities of Hunter Biden and his associates during the Obama administration."
"We write to request information about whether Hunter Biden used government-sponsored travel to help conduct private business, to include his work for Rosemont Seneca and related entities in China and Ukraine," Grassley and Johnson write.
The senators also ask for information on "the protective detail that Hunter Biden received while his father was Vice President," and a "list of all dates and locations of travel, international and domestic, for Hunter Biden."
Van geen van de Democratische presidentskandidaten is Trump bang te verliezen.
Behalve tegen Joe Biden heeft Trump geen schijn van kans.
Dus die moet voortijdig uitgeschakeld worden.
Het is nog afwachten of de andere Flying Monkeys ingezet gaan worden.
Lindsey Graham, Jim Jordan, Rand Paul kunnen ook nog actie gaan ondernemen tegen mensen die Trump hebben dwarsgezeten.
Trump en de GOP zijn overmoedig geworden na het Impeachment Trial. Zij hebben carte blanche.