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ffff schreef op 30 april 2023 15:01:

[Modbreak IEX: Gelieve te stoppen met het continu plaatsen van stroman argumenten, bericht is verwijderd. Waarschuwing.]
DIT is toch ongelooflijk! Nou doe ik mijn uiterste best om gewoon aan te geven waarom het programma Buitenhof zo ontzettend goed was en hoe is het mogelijk dat mag je ook al niet meer posten, omdat het volstrekt tegen de zin van Luchtschip is......

Zie de kwalificeringen van Luchtschip aan mijn adres. Dat kan blijkbaar allemaal en als je daar wat weerwoord op geeft....Onbegrijpelijk: Twee waarschuwingen. Hier ZAL en MOET slechts één visie vertolkt, gepost worden.

Moderator: Geef eens aan wat " stroman-argumenten" zijn. Ik ken dat begrip niet. En als dat begrip voor U de aanleiding is, om zomaar twee uitvoerige postings brutaal weg te halen, dan vind ik dat ik U wel op de man af kan vragen: Wat zijn stroman-argumenten.

Overigens, wat zal Luchtschip gniffelen! Hebben jullie een band?


ffff schreef op 30 april 2023 15:33:


DIT is toch ongelooflijk! Nou doe ik mijn uiterste best om gewoon aan te geven waarom het programma Buitenhof zo ontzettend goed was en hoe is het mogelijk dat mag je ook al niet meer posten, omdat het volstrekt tegen de zin van Luchtschip is......

Zie de kwalificeringen van Luchtschip aan mijn adres. Dat kan blijkbaar allemaal en als je daar wat weerwoord op geeft....Onbegrijpelijk: Twee waarschuwingen. Hier ZAL en MOET slechts één visie vertolkt, gepost worden.

Moderator: Geef eens aan wat " stroman-argumenten" zijn. Ik ken dat begrip niet. En als dat begrip voor U de aanleiding is, om zomaar twee uitvoerige postings brutaal weg te halen, dan vind ik dat ik U wel op de man af kan vragen: Wat zijn stroman-argumenten.

Overigens, wat zal Luchtschip gniffelen! Hebben jullie een band?

Pieter W. is geen stroman.
Begrijp de akties van de moderator geenszins.
Ongehoord !

Laat me niet meer zien hier ...succes allen.

ffff schreef op 30 april 2023 15:33:


" Hebben jullie een band?"


Iedereen buiten Rusland en de meeste ook daarbinnen
zouden een gezamenlijke band moeten hebben tegen
het terrorisme van Putin.

ffff schreef op 30 april 2023 15:01:

[Modbreak IEX: Gelieve te stoppen met het continu plaatsen van stroman argumenten, bericht is verwijderd. Waarschuwing.]
Pardon ??
Democratie aan mijn laars zo te zien .
Wat is een Stromanredenering?
Dat is een redenering waarbij je het argument van de ander verkeerd weergeeft om het gemakkelijker te kunnen aanvallen.

Het gaat nogal ver om Peter ffff daarvan te beschuldigen.
Footage of an improvised light Ukrainian MRL battery, firing off 122mm Grad rockets at a Russian position.

video 0:14 minuut geluid aan

Oekrainse Lente Offensief

Voorbereidingen zijn in volle gang en de vernietiging van brandstof opslagtanks is onderdeel van die voorbereiding

Southern Command: Fire at oil depot in Sevastopol is Ukraine’s ‘preparations’ for counteroffensive

According to Ukraine's Armed Forces' Southern Command spokesperson Natalia Humeniuk, the large fire that occurred at an oil depot at the Kozacha Bay in Russian-occupied Sevastopol on April 29 is part of Ukraine’s “preparations” for the awaited counteroffensive.

“This work is a preparation for the broad, full-scale offensive that everyone expects," Humeniuk said, as cited by Ukrainska Pravda.
Germany officially confirmed the transfer of the second Iris-T SLM air defense system to Ukraine

The Ukrainian military received the second Iris-T SLM SAM from Germany.

Information on this was published on the Federal Government website, where the list of assistance transferred to Ukraine is regularly updated.

The list also includes eight Zetros trucks and two load-handling 8×6 trucks with 8 roll-off containers.

Spiegel reported the transfer of the second Iris-T SLM SAM to Ukraine on April 19.

IRIS-T is a German medium-range anti-aircraft missile system (SAM).

The system is designed to destroy cruise and ballistic missiles, as well as aircraft, helicopters, and UAVs.

The basis of air defense systems are modified air-to-air IRIS-T aircraft missiles.

There are medium- and small-radius modifications. The IRIS-T SLM allows you to hit aerial targets at a distance of up to 40 km and in the “shorter” SLS version – up to 25 km.

Launchers can have a wheeled (MAN 8×8) or tracked chassis (BvS10 tracked articulated all-terrain vehicle) and include 8 containers with missiles for vertical launch.

The primary means of detecting air targets is the CEAFAR GBMMR radar with an active electronically scanned array antenna. The system can also be used with the German TRML-4D (Hensoldt) radar, which detects air targets at a distance of up to 250 km.

Wreckage of a Mi-35 of the Russian Federation was discovered in the Kharkiv region

A wreckage of a Russian Mi-35 attack helicopter was discovered in the Kharkiv region.

Footage from April featuring the wreckage was published on social media.

It is reported that the Russian pilot hit a power line and crashed.

London is looking for long-range missiles for Ukraine

The UK plans to arm Ukraine with missiles with a 100 to 300 km range through the Fund for Ukraine.

The UK Ministry of Defense published a request for information to purchase military equipment intended for delivery to the Armed Forces of Ukraine under the International Fund for Ukraine.

This fund is a UK-led initiative and combines contributions from Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Lithuania for the rapid procurement of military equipment for Ukraine.

Organizations from other countries can also participate in projects within this initiative.

Companies from more than 40 countries applied for participation in the first – already completed – outcome of the fund.

The total capacity of the fund is currently over £520m. From this amount, £200 million have already been allocated, including for the supply of drones and reconnaissance systems, and air defense equipment to Ukraine, along with the spare parts for the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Pakistan to Supply Anza Mark-II MANPADS to Ukraine

Pakistan-made Anza Mark-II portable anti-aircraft missile systems are being prepared for Ukraine.
The Economic Times reported about this, citing its own sources.

Pakistani air defense equipment will be delivered through Poland.


How Russian Corruption Is Foiling Putin’s Army in Ukraine

Though Ukraine has fielded a remarkable defense, another deadly battlefield foe has emerged for Putin: endemic corruption and graft from top to bottom of the Russian army.

When Russia moved 85% of all of its land forces toward and into Ukraine to break the stubborn and unforeseen local resistance, one thing became obvious: the move yielded a fighting force far smaller than the assessments of the country’s vaunted million-man army.

The Kremlin previously stated it could field a total of 900,000 active duty troops, with Russian President Vladimir Putin now calling on his military to grow by 10% as a tacit admission of the problems it faces in its war in Ukraine. Questionable organizational decisions in the Russian military and a series of misguided political assumptions hampered the fighting force from the outset.

But those missteps are inflamed by widespread corruption within the Russian military, officials and analysts say, such as common practices among recruiters of overstating the number of enlistees they say they signed up to skim funding for the difference. The Pentagon now believes Russian dysfunction will prevent it from reaching even its recruitment goals from before the invasion, let alone expand its military to more than 1 million troops.


The U.S. military assesses that as many as a third of deployed Russian vehicles have failed on their own, due in large part to unenforced maintenance practices at their home bases. Reports have emerged that its troops are eating expired rations, likely because logisticians either sold the replacements or never used dispersed money to buy them in the first place.


“Russia’s geopolitical power is an existential matter for Putin – the one thing he truly cares about more than any other,” Robert Person, a professor of international relations at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, says, speaking in a personal capacity. “And yet the individuals in Russia’s military-defense complex are just as greedy as those throughout the rest of the government bureaucracy. Why should they be denied their corruption-funded comforts just because they are engaged in national defense?”

“And so the skimming, stealing, and misallocation of money, equipment, supplies, and other resources flourishes throughout the military as everyone seeks to take their cut. But unlike the civilian sectors, this theft cannot be admitted openly within the ‘power vertical.’ Robbing Russia’s national defense is not tolerated in the way that it would be – or even encouraged – in civilian heavy industry,” Person says. “So they do what generations of Soviet officers and defense bureaucrats did for decades before them: lie up the chain. Lie about the readiness of their troops and equipment, lie about how the budget is being spent – all to cover up the scale of their theft.

“And because Putin has constructed a personalist dictatorship where everyone around him is dependent on him for their wealth, power and even freedom, he will never hear the truth about how corrupt his military is and how badly they are likely to perform as a result.”

Putin and his advisers seriously overestimated military capabilities and manpower as a result, Person adds, leading to “a strategically disastrous miscalculation to launch a war that they were not equipped to win.”

“And so I would say that corruption in the military and the entire political system go a long way in explaining Putin’s miscalculation in invading Ukraine.”

Putin has not offered any indications this cycle of corruption will change, certainly not as the Russian military accepts his orders to expand in an attempt to offset its battlefield failures thus far.

Any expansion there, however, will likely only take place on paper. And it remains unclear whether Putin himself will realize it.

“Based on what I’ve seen studying him and his regime for the last 22 years,” Person concludes, “my guess is that he will believe his own propaganda until the end.”


Succes schreef op 30 april 2023 17:20:

How Russian Corruption Is Foiling Putin’s Army in Ukraine

Though Ukraine has fielded a remarkable defense, another deadly battlefield foe has emerged for Putin: endemic corruption and graft from top to bottom of the Russian army.

When Russia moved 85% of all of its land forces toward and into Ukraine to break the stubborn and unforeseen local resistance, one thing became obvious: the move yielded a fighting force far smaller than the assessments of the country’s vaunted million-man army.

The Kremlin previously stated it could field a total of 900,000 active duty troops, with Russian President Vladimir Putin now calling on his military to grow by 10% as a tacit admission of the problems it faces in its war in Ukraine. Questionable organizational decisions in the Russian military and a series of misguided political assumptions hampered the fighting force from the outset.

But those missteps are inflamed by widespread corruption within the Russian military, officials and analysts say, such as common practices among recruiters of overstating the number of enlistees they say they signed up to skim funding for the difference. The Pentagon now believes Russian dysfunction will prevent it from reaching even its recruitment goals from before the invasion, let alone expand its military to more than 1 million troops.


The U.S. military assesses that as many as a third of deployed Russian vehicles have failed on their own, due in large part to unenforced maintenance practices at their home bases. Reports have emerged that its troops are eating expired rations, likely because logisticians either sold the replacements or never used dispersed money to buy them in the first place.


“Russia’s geopolitical power is an existential matter for Putin – the one thing he truly cares about more than any other,” Robert Person, a professor of international relations at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, says, speaking in a personal capacity. “And yet the individuals in Russia’s military-defense complex are just as greedy as those throughout the rest of the government bureaucracy. Why should they be denied their corruption-funded comforts just because they are engaged in national defense?”

“And so the skimming, stealing, and misallocation of money, equipment, supplies, and other resources flourishes throughout the military as everyone seeks to take their cut. But unlike the civilian sectors, this theft cannot be admitted openly within the ‘power vertical.’ Robbing Russia’s national defense is not tolerated in the way that it would be – or even encouraged – in civilian heavy industry,” Person says. “So they do what generations of Soviet officers and defense bureaucrats did for decades before them: lie up the chain. Lie about the readiness of their troops and equipment, lie about how the budget is being spent – all to cover up the scale of their theft.

“And because Putin has constructed a personalist dictatorship where everyone around him is dependent on him for their wealth, power and even freedom, he will never hear the truth about how corrupt his military is and how badly they are likely to perform as a result.”

Putin and his advisers seriously overestimated military capabilities and manpower as a result, Person adds, leading to “a strategically disastrous miscalculation to launch a war that they were not equipped to win.”

“And so I would say that corruption in the military and the entire political system go a long way in explaining Putin’s miscalculation in invading Ukraine.”

Putin has not offered any indications this cycle of corruption will change, certainly not as the Russian military accepts his orders to expand in an attempt to offset its battlefield failures thus far.

Any expansion there, however, will likely only take place on paper. And it remains unclear whether Putin himself will realize it.

“Based on what I’ve seen studying him and his regime for the last 22 years,” Person concludes, “my guess is that he will believe his own propaganda until the end.”

Een goed stuk

Even off topic ter verdere informatie

Ook in China viert de corruptie hoogtij
Of er veel gestolen wordt is mij.niet bekend, maar wel zorgt de autoritaire structuur in China voor het ontstaan van verzwakkingen van het leger

Veel banen op hoger niveaus worden gegeven aan familieleden en/of vrienden, omdat men daar meer vertrouwen in heeft
Dit leidt ertoe dat veel hogere functies door minder of totaal niet capabele mensen worden gevuld
A Russian, recruited from a penal colony, complains their group was abandoned by Russian army, they get no money, no support and no one is in charge.

He appeals to Putin to save them.

video 2:48 minuut Engels ondertiteld

De "slachter van Marioepol" is zijn baan als hoofd logistiek van het Russische leger kwijtgeraakt

#Ukraine's seen off the "Butcher of Mariupol."

Russia's hapless defence ministry confirmed Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev, has lost his job as logistics head for Putin's shambolic invasion.

The war crimes clown lasted 7 months


luchtschip schreef op 30 april 2023 17:34:


Een goed stuk

Even off topic ter verdere informatie

Ook in China viert de corruptie hoogtij
Of er veel gestolen wordt is mij.niet bekend, maar wel zorgt de autoritaire structuur in China voor het ontstaan van verzwakkingen van het leger

Veel banen op hoger niveaus worden gegeven aan familieleden en/of vrienden, omdat men daar meer vertrouwen in heeft
Dit leidt ertoe dat veel hogere functies door minder of totaal niet capabele mensen worden gevuld
Ik heb dan ook weinig (tot geen) vertrouwen in het Chinees leger ... kwantiteit, maar kwaliteit? ... veel materieel maakt van een leger (zie Rusland) geen goed leger.
Een inherent probleem van beide landen is namelijk de autocratisch manier waarop ze zijn georganiseerd .... en dit gaat hand in hand vriendjespolitiek en dientengevolge corruptie (want niemand durf Putin nog Xi tegen te spreken).

Deze topdown systemen, waarbij de leider altijd het gelijk aan zijn zijde heeft en omringd wordt door een stelletje jaknikkers, leidt NOOIT tot een goed leger, bedrijf of land ...
Om dit soort samenwerkingen/groepen succesvol te laten zijn is flexibiliteit en creativiteit nodig en dus tegenspraak, eigen inbreng, out-of-the-box denken, etc ... oftewel een veel democratischer proces, waarin ieders inbreng (veel meer) wordt gewaardeerd.


But China’s arsenal of headline-grabbing weapons, and seemingly unstoppable military growth masks an opaque command system, endemic corruption, and questions over the quality of its recruits.

The corruption stems largely from a tradition of nepotism and favouritism, and a general lack of oversight, while recruitment is suffering because despite some incentives, the younger, well-educated Chinese that the military wants are more attracted to the booming private sector.


And despite accumulating more advanced weapons in recent years, the PLA still has a large amount of older and more outdated equipment, some of it built using technology from the former Soviet Union, which collapsed 30 years ago, according to analysts.

China’s navy, for example, has more ships than the US – with 360 vessels – but the fleet consists mostly of smaller vessels. It has only two large aircraft carriers, the Liaoning and Shandong, with the third aircraft carrier Type 003 still under construction. The US has 11 aircraft carriers, the most of any country.

Additionally, the lack of training to operate and maintain the newly developed weapons has also hindered the army’s ability to reach “jointness”, according to a 2018 report published by the RAND Corporation, a US-based think-tank, referring to an army’s ability to command its various forces simultaneously to achieve its military goals.

“Corruption and an outdated command structure have left a very negative impact on the army,” said Shi Yang, a Beijing-based Chinese military analyst. “The large number of relatively outdated weapons also restricted Chinese army’s combat ability.”



Accompanied by the TERRA unit, the 1st batallion of the 3rd separate assault brigade attacks Wagner PMC positions.

de eerste minuut uitleg over de drone en daarna beelden vanuit een drone hoe een loopgraaf met Russische soldaten wordt overmeesterd

video 10:52 minuut

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