Ronald Engels schreef op 14 september 2020 19:49:
Why is everybody, including Harvard, not reporting that "BLACK" Solar Panels at sunny days “only” generate at 21 % energy efficiency and absorb and then immediately generate at least 79 % of radiation heat, absorbed by the surrounding area/houses/walls/streets and as such BLACK Solarpanels heat up Planet Earth/cities/streets/houses by a minimum locally of at least 4 degrees Celcius hotter and possibly even 10 degrees Celcius in social housing areas with maximum installed Solarpanels.
The University of TNO-Delft has publised a study (“about Scheveningen Social Housing installed Solarpanels”) on this subject about 4 to 5 years ago and our minister of environment Mr. Kamp at that time had this report disapear quite rapidly and it never saw the light anymore in the Netherlands, “publicatie Financieel Dagblad”!
It makes the hottest days even hotter. Locally they heat up the place on hot days.
On cold days too, but on cold days I presume you don't mind (although an eco-fundamentalist should mind).
The balance heat/power gets worse with temperature, i.e. they don't work too well on hot days. It is a semiconductor effect. Not too difficult to understand if you follow semiconductor physics.
While solar generates net power on hot days, their heat also generates *extra* demand for air conditioning on top of what you would use anyway.