Ronald Engels schreef op 23 september 2020 18:25:
Klimaat Forum Vrienden, ter informatie van Elektroverse;
“We are plunging now into a deep mini ice age,” says British astrophysicist Piers Corbyn, “and there is no way out”.
For the next 20 years it’s going to get colder and colder, on average, says Corbyn who holds a B.Sc. in Physics and an M.Sc. in Astrophysics.
The jet stream will be wilder: there will be more wild temperature changes, more hail events, more earthquakes, more extreme volcano events, more snow in winters, lousy summers, late springs, short autumns, and more and more crop failures.
“The fact is the sun rules the sea temperature, and the sea temperature rules the climate,” explains Corbyn.
“What we have happening now is the start of the mini ice age … it began around 2013. It’s a slow start, and now the rate of moving into the mini ice age is accelerating.
The Little Ice Age (LIA) was triggered by a large outflow of sea ice from the Arctic Ocean into the North Atlantic, according to the findings of a new paper published in the journal Science Advances.
The paper combines marine sediment cores drilled from the ocean floor from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic, and what these records indicate is an abrupt increase in Arctic sea ice and cold waters exported to the North Atlantic starting around 1300, peaking in mid-century, and ending abruptly in the late 1300s.
Crucially, the provocative paper concludes that external forcing from volcanoes or any other cause may not be necessary for large swings in climate to occur — a previously widely held assumption: “These results strongly suggest that these things can occur out of the blue due to internal variability in the climate system,” said Dr. Martin Miles, researcher in the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado.
But the marine cores do also show a sustained, far-flung pulse of sea ice near the Norse colonies on Greenland, an event which coincided with their demise in the 15th century; a cooling climate is thought to have pushed hard on their resilience.
Today, it is feared a similar event may be about to occur.
“We are waiting for a huge burst of cold water to be released from the Beaufort Gyre,” says David Mauriello of the ORP, a release which is is long overdue with the gyre having circulated in-place far longer than is normal.
“And when it does this,” continues Mauriello, “it will potentially shut down the Gulf Stream.”
The Beaufort Gyre has been circulating in-place for far longer than is normal.
When it finally lets-up, cold water will outflow into the Atlantic, potentially disrupting/shutting-down the Gulf Stream.
The Warm Gulf Stream is key to Europe having the mild, habitable climate that it does.
A shutting down of the Warm Gulf Stream will lead to cold Arctic-like conditions invading Western Europe almost overnight, concludes Mauriello, with Britain, Ireland, and Scandinavia at the forefront of the blast.
However, it must be stressed that these processes and mechanisms remain poorly understood–but then so do the majority of subjects within the field of climate science: this reality makes the purported 100% confidence and consensus around the impact a trace gas such as CO2 can have on global temperatures even more absurd.
Again, that Michael Crichton quote rings true: “Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.”
And for those out there crying ‘but Crichton’ isn’t a scientist’:
1) err, he brought dinosaurs back to life, and
2) fine, you got me, so I’ll included astrophysicist Piers Corbyn’s views on CO2 instead.
So, to conclude: “Carbon dioxide levels do not have any impact –I repeat, any impact– on climate,” states Corbyn, “the CO2 theory is wrong from the start.”
M.v.g. uit het groene Hulst.