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Lindsey Graham is ten einde raad

Moet zijn zetel verdedigen in de Senaat voor South Carolina. Zijn tegenstander heeft veel meer geld voor ads op de tv zenders.

Interview op Fox News :

Lindsey Graham: I’m getting overwhelmed... help me, they’re killing me moneywise. Help me

video 0:16 minuut

House Oversight Committee vraagt hoofden van Departementen naar het Huis van Afgevaardigden te komen om een toelichting te geven van de stand van zaken.

Last night the @TheJusticeDept sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee advising that the DOJ would NOT be appearing before the oversight committee

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Ivm zijn functie en geloof van de mensen in hem die geestelijk niet al te veel ontwikkeld zijn is Donald een ordinaire moordenaar.
Een bron die bekend is met de dinsdag Oval Office-bijeenkomst van Trump met zijn coronavirus-taskforce, zei dat de president nog steeds niet aantoont dat hij een goed beeld heeft van de ernst van de pandemie in de VS.

'Hij snapt het nog steeds niet', zei de bron. "Hij snapt het niet."

Dit is in ieder geval de derde keer dat Graham deze week naar Fox is gegaan om te pleiten voor geld voor zijn race. Hij ging maandag op Hannity, vanochtend Fox and Friends en vanavond weer Hannity.


gnocchi.(Bert Strijk) schreef op 25 september 2020 13:59:

Een bron die bekend is met de dinsdag Oval Office-bijeenkomst van Trump met zijn coronavirus-taskforce, zei dat de president nog steeds niet aantoont dat hij een goed beeld heeft van de ernst van de pandemie in de VS.

'Hij snapt het nog steeds niet', zei de bron. "Hij snapt het niet."

'Een bron' dat moet CNN Jim Acosta zijn.
Al Kipone
trump's health plan:

President Donald Trump on Thursday moved to shore up one of his biggest campaign weaknesses with a symbolic pledge to protect people with preexisting conditions even if the Supreme Court overturns Obamacare.

Trump also promised to send seniors $200 drug discount cards before the election to help cover prescription drug co-pays. And he said he would ban the practice of "surprise" medical billing if Congress doesn't enact a fix by year's end.

The first simply declares it's national policy to protect coverage of people with preexisting conditions, without offering specifics. The declaration comes while the administration is supporting a Supreme Court challenge to Obamacare, to be argued days after the election, that would strike the law's consumer protections without offering an alternative.

The second executive order on Thursday states that the administration will ban unexpected bills if Congress doesn't enact a fix by year's end.

The drug discount cards would be sent to 33 million Medicare beneficiaries to help pay prescription drug co-pays. Costs would be covered by projected savings from a previously announced administration effort to tie the cost of some pricey Medicare drugs to what's paid abroad.

The move would bypass Congress and be carried out through a Medicare demonstration program.

1. trump vecht in Supreme court om ACA te ontmantelen.
2. trump zegt via een Exec order dat 'pre-existing conditions' acceptatie gegarandeerd blijft, maar die order heeft geen enkele rechtsgeldigheid.
3. trump geeft ouderen die via Medicare verzekerd zijn $200. Te betalen door Medicare. Er is geen budget, het wordt zeker niet betaald door de verzekeraars, zoals Chief of Staff Meadows nu verkondigd op tv.

Ofwel: trump is bereidt om miljoenen mensen onverzekerd te laten worden te midden van een enorme epidemie, terwijl hij absoluut niets biedt behalve een sigaar uit eigen doos en wat goedkope propaganda.

Cool. Dat maakt het moeilijk voor Biden om tijdens het debat overeind te blijven :-)

Al Kipone
President Trump on Thursday pledged to send $200 prescription drug coupons to 33 million Medicare beneficiaries “in the coming weeks,” a political ploy to curry favor with seniors who view drug prices as a priority.

Trump’s promise comes less than six weeks before Election Day, and represents the latest step in his administration’s (and his campaign’s) efforts to amass health care talking points, even if their actions do little to save Americans money.

The administration is getting its authority to ship the coupons from a Medicare demonstration program, a White House spokesman told STAT in a statement. The nearly $7 billion required to send the coupons, he said, would come from savings from Trump’s “most favored nations” drug pricing proposal. That regulation has also not yet been implemented — meaning the Trump administration is effectively pledging to spend $6.6 billion in savings that do not currently exist. The cards, he said, would be “actual discount cards for prescription drug copays.”

Al Kipone
ik heb het vermoeden dat die 'discounts for prescription drug copays' (het bedrag dat een verzekerde zelf moet betalen, de rest betaald de verzekeraar) voor de 65+ers wel eens zou kunnen gelden voor een beperkt aantal medicijnen, zoals babyzalf en anticonceptiemiddelen.
Al Kipone
Philadelphia's top election official is warning that thousands of mail-in ballots could be thrown out in November unless changes are made to rules around "secrecy envelopes" -- second sleeves that help prevent poll workers from seeing how someone voted.

The Pennsylvania Supreme court ruled last Friday that officials can reject so-called naked ballots that are received without the secrecy envelope. State election officials had previously provided guidance telling counties to count naked ballots.
Based on error rates in previous elections, that could mean more than 100,000 mail-in ballots are at risk, according to Philadelphia city commissioner Lisa Deeley.
President Donald Trump won Pennsylvania, a key swing state, by just over 44,000 votes in 2016.

Rechtszaak was aangespannen door GOP.
Naked Ballot: er moeten twee envelopes om een stembiljet. ca 5% heeft er maar 1.....


A handful (7, 8 of 9) of ballots cast by members of the military for President Trump were found discarded in Pennsylvania, the Justice Department announced on Thursday.

"The president wants to get rid of mass mail-out voting," McEnany said. "He's said clearly that could go either way, it could damage either candidate's chances because it is a system that is subject to fraud."


Al Kipone
aanvulling: de stembiljetten (de 7,8 of 9) zaten NIET in de vereiste envelope, maar in een gewone envelop. Daarom werden ze behandeld als gewone post, en geopend. Wat ze ongeldig maakt, want dat mag pas op verkiezingsdag.
Dus werden ze weggegooid.

En dat wordt aangegrepen door Min van Justitie om een persbericht uit te doen gaan met details, zodat trump cs kunnen roepen dat ze bewijs hebben van potentiele fraude.

Al Kipone
Nog maar eenkeer, omdat het zo ongelovelijk smerig is:

healthcare 'plan'

WASHINGTON — President Trump vowed on Thursday to send $200 discount cards for prescription drugs to 33 million older Americans, a $6.6 billion election-eve promise with dubious legal authority that he announced as part of a speech billed as presenting a long-awaited health care plan.

Mr. Trump made the announcement before an audience of health professionals in Charlotte, N.C., where he laid out what the White House called the America First health care plan. Though senior administration officials had previewed the speech, they had not mentioned the drug discount cards.

Mr. Trump’s broader plan is short on specifics, and its two core provisions are largely symbolic. The first is an executive order aimed at protecting people with pre-existing conditions — a provision already in the Affordable Care Act, which Mr. Trump is trying to overturn. The second — a push to end surprise medical billing — would require congressional action.

That left the drug discount cards as the major advance in Mr. Trump’s speech. It was not clear where the money for the cards would come from or whether the White House could legally issue them. But they amounted to a gift to a key constituency, offered weeks before Election Day.

A senior administration official said the discount cards would be authorized under a waiver program that allowed Medicare to test certain new policy ideas. The money would come from savings gleaned from the president’s directive this month that required Medicare to pay no more for prescription drugs than in other developed nations, the official said.

But that program has not yet been devised or enacted.

“Is the plan to borrow from potential future savings from a program that does not yet exist?” asked Rachel Sachs, an associate professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis, who studies prescription drug policy.

The announcement came as a surprise because the White House had tried last month to strike a deal with the pharmaceutical industry on a broad effort to lower drug prices. But that deal collapsed after Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, insisted that the industry pay for such cards. The companies balked, fearing that they would be footing the bill for the “Trump cards” aimed at older American voters.

Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, left, said that pharmaceutical manufacturers would pay for the discount cards: “It’s the first time that money came from Big Pharma, back from their pockets, in the pockets of American seniors.”Credit...Oliver Contreras for The New York Times
“As we’ve previously said, one-time savings cards will neither provide lasting help, nor advance the fundamental reforms necessary to help seniors better afford their medicines,” Priscilla VanderVeer, the vice president of public affairs for PhRMA, the industry’s largest trade group, said in an email after Mr. Trump’s speech.

But in an appearance on CNN, Mr. Meadows suggested — without offering an explanation — that pharmaceutical manufacturers would still pay for the cards, which he said older Americans would begin receiving in October.

“It’s the first time that money came from Big Pharma, back from their pockets, in the pockets of American seniors,” Mr. Meadows said. “If they have any question about if he is for real, wait until that card is received in the mail.”

Federal spending must typically be authorized by Congress — a principle that House Republicans sought to uphold when they sued the Obama White House in 2014, arguing that the administration’s health spending as part of the Affordable Care Act had not been properly approved. Mr. Trump canceled that program after taking office, saying it was unlawful.

The White House and the Trump campaign promoted the promise on Twitter immediately after the speech.

“I have no idea where this would be coming from,” said Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas who studies executive powers. “It’s not like there’s a $6.6 billion pot of money that was just waiting for Trump to come along.”

Eliot Fishman, a former senior Medicaid official in the Obama administration, said the proposal would be an unexpected use of the Medicare waiver program, which was established to test policies that increase “the efficiency and economy” of Medicare and must be budget neutral.

“It’s not a real demonstration; it’s just sending out drug discount cards to seniors,” said Mr. Fishman, who is the senior director of health policy at the consumer advocacy group Families USA. “It’s extraordinarily brazen.”

Mr. Trump has been promising since he ran for president in 2016 that he would put together a plan to lower costs, expand coverage and protect people with pre-existing conditions — the primary goals of the Affordable Care Act. But Republicans cannot seem to agree on a replacement.

Bizar, de ACA is 'illegaal' en wordt 'vervangen' door $200 weg te geven aan ouderen die dreigen niet op trump te stemmen, in een illegaal plannejte.



Al Kipone
Averaging more than two conflicts of interest per day, President Trump continues to be the most corrupt president in history, engaging in more than 3,400 conflicts of interest since taking office, according to a new report released today by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). Since CREW issued its last conflicts report in February, President Trump has engaged in an additional 400 conflicts of interest and made millions of dollars for his personal businesses. Today’s report details some of the most glaring examples of presidential corruption and conflicts of interest ever raised by a president, all of which stem from his refusal to divest from his businesses.

“For nearly four years, President Trump has made it abundantly clear that any claim of separation from his business was a lie. The extraordinary numbers in this report paint a picture of a president who is fixated on the personal financial benefits he might derive from his public service—and a whole ecosystem of officials, special interests and governments that exploit that fixation in order to curry favor and advance their own interests,” said CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder.

“As the president continues to harness the office of the presidency for his own personal gain, Americans can no longer trust that he makes decisions in our interest, rather than his own,” Bookbinder said. “From foreign governments and industries throwing lavish events at his properties to donors and customers buying their way to ambassadorships and top political offices, corruption surrounds this president literally every day.”

Highlights from the report include:

President Trump has made more than 500 visits to the properties he owns and profits from. The president’s frequent travel to and from his properties has cost American taxpayers well over $100 million.
President Trump has made more than 300 visits to the golf courses he owns and profits from, despite saying repeatedly during his presidential campaign in 2016 he would not have time for golf. His insistence on spending time at his properties has resulted in at least a million dollars in taxpayer money being spent at his properties.
141 members of Congress have patronized Trump properties. These visits often coincide with events held by special interests or wealthy political donors that rake in millions of dollars for his properties.
Special interest groups, many of which have business before the Trump administration, have hosted or sponsored 130 events at Trump properties since he took office. Political groups have held another 88 events at Trump properties.
Foreign government-tied entities have held 13 events at Trump properties, and at least 145 foreign officials have visited one of Trump’s properties. Foreign governments have granted President Trump’s businesses 67 trademarks, and have awarded additional trademarks to his daughter’s business, all potentially in an effort to secure favorable treatment from the Trump administration.

Al Kipone
maar gelukkig heeft hij vrede gesticht tussen een paar landen die geen oorlog met elkaar voerden, door ze wapens te verkopen.

Covid doden >202,000. Oplopend aantal infecties in de meeste staten. Duizend doden per dag. 7000 doden per week. Dat is 2x 9-11 per week. Dat zijn 4 vliegtuigongelukken per DAG. Dat zijn meer doden dan in alle oorlogen sinds WWII.
Daarmee staat Covid op plaats 4 van meest dodelijke gebeurtenissen voor de VS na Griep 1917 (675,000) Civil war (620,000) en WWII (405,000)

Make America Great Again! Whoop whoop!
Parlementaire controle is een tandeloze tijger.
Rechtszaken kunnen eindeloos worden uitgesteld.
Het Supreme Court heeft hij in z'n zak.
Deze president kan ongehinderd z'n gang gaan.
Al Kipone

Foot Locker Transforms 2,000 US Stores Into Voter Registration Sites to Boost Youth Turnout
The sneaker brand is teaming up with nonprofit Rock the Vote.

De Volkskrant over de stembiljetten (fragment):

FBI onderzoekt vondst stembiljetten in vuilnisbak, meeste waren voor Trump

De Amerikaanse president Trump heeft de vondst van stembiljetten in een vuilnisbak in de staat Pennsylvania aangegrepen om te herhalen dat zijn vrees voor fraude met poststemmen terecht is. De FBI onderzoekt waarom de stembiljetten zijn weggegooid. De meeste stemmen waren uitgebracht op Trump.

‘De Democraten manipuleren de verkiezingen’, twitterde de president donderdag nadat het ministerie van Justitie bekend had gemaakt dat het Openbaar Ministerie en de FBI de vondst onderzoeken. Trump roept al maanden dat het massaal stemmen per post, vanwege corona, zal leiden tot fraude.

De weggegooide stembiljetten waren door militairen per post opgestuurd. De meeste werden gevonden in een vuilnisbak buiten het verkiezingsbureau van Luzerne County. Van de negen stemmen die werden gevonden, waren er zeven uitgebracht op Trump. Van de twee andere is onduidelijk of ze voor Trump of zijn Democratische tegenstander Joe Biden waren.

FBI-agenten vonden nog vier andere enveloppen waaruit de stembiljetten verdwenen waren. Die stemmen waren verstuurd per post door kiezers die op verkiezingsdag niet naar het stembureau kunnen gaan. Pennsylvania, de geboortestaat van Biden, is één van de zes staten die bepalend zullen zijn of Trump nog vier jaar in het Witte Huis mag blijven. De president won er in 2016, wat verrassend was aangezien de staat al decennialang op een Democratische presidentskandidaat stemt. Trump versloeg Hillary Clinton met iets meer dan 44 duizend stemmen verschil. Dat was het kleinste verschil in de staat in 176 jaar.

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